Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rusty Nail 500 Tour Info

I've finally compiled the list of bookstores I'm hoping to drop in on the Rusty Nail 500 tour. There are actually over 700 stores listed, because I'm an optimist. :)

For information, visit and click on the banner.

The tour begins June 29, at Thrillerfest in Phoenix. I'll return from Arizona on July 3, and hit the road July 4th, to return sometime in September.

Here's a rough schedule:

July 5 -- Indianapolis, Indiana
July 6 -- Cincinnati, Ohio
July 7-8 -- Charleston, West Virginia
July 9-10 -- Atlanta, Georgia
July 11 -- Nashville, Tennessee
July 12 -- Peoria, Illinois
July 13-14 -- Madison, Wisconsin
July 15 -- Fort Wayne, Indiana & Toledo, Ohio
July 16 -- Cleveland, Ohio
July 17 -- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
July 18-19 -- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 20-24 -- New York, New York
July 25-26 -- Connecticut & Rhode ISland
July 27-28 -- Boston, Massachusetts
July 29 -- Albany, New York
July 30-31 -- New Jersey
August 1 -- Delaware, Washington DC
August 2 -- Maryland
August 3 -- Richmond, Virginia
August 4 -- Raleigh, North Carolina
August 5 -- Columbia, South Carolina
August 6 -- Savannah, Georgia
August 7-- Jacksonville, Florida
August 8 -- Daytona Beach, Florida
August 9 -- Orlando, Florida
August 10 -- Tampa Florida
August 11-12 -- Miami, Florida
August 13-14 -- San Diego, California
August 15 -- San Bernadino, California
August 16-17 -- Los Angeles, California.
August 18-19 -- San Francisco, California
August 20 -- Sacremento, California
August 21 - 31 -- Chicago, Illinois & suburbs.
Sept 1 -- Milwaukee, Wisconsin

You can download my full itinerary HERE.

If you are a writer, a fan, or just a helpful person who lives in or near one of the above locations, and want to buy a weary traveler a burger, or a beer, or let him spend the night in your spare bedroom or on your sofa, email me.

In return you'll get free books and characters named after you in my upcoming novels. You'll also get great conversation, something to talk about for years to come, and my eternal thanks.

Beginning tomorrow, I will have daily updates about the tour on this blog, to let people know where I've been, where I'm heading, and how everything is going.

Please help spread the word throughout the blogosphere and the Internet! I hope to see many of you on the road!



  1. I see you'll be coming to my town of Richmond. Looking forward to that! Hopefully, you'll have some time to see the city. It's a really great place... and there's plenty of places for some good eating, too!

  2. If you're driving - please, please take care, Joe.

  3. Looked at your full list of bookstores and noticed that you have the old 56th street address for the Mysterious Bookshop in New York City. They've moved downtown to the World Trade Center area a couple of blocks west of City Hall. The new address is 58 Warren Street, New York, NY 10007.

  4. You're not coming to Columbus, Ohio? I see Dayton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and some points in between, but all too far away from my city!!! I wish you the best of luck. And of course, I'm supporting you by purchasing your new book...thanks for all you do for your fellow authors.

  5. Holy crap, man. Good luck, hope you sell a ton of books. And if you have lots of wacky adventures and meet colorful people, you could turn it into a movie.

    Kind of like "Road Trip" meets "Finding Forrester."

  6. Thanks Cyber and Susan!

    Is Spensers still there? Or are they only online now?

  7. oh

    my finger is worn out after scrolling through that pdf file.
    no minnesota i see, but i sure as hell can't bitch and beg you to add another state to your list.

    two things: bottled water and bran muffins.

  8. Anonymous2:38 PM

    There are two in the Tampa/St.Petersburg area that aren't listed on your schedule. Probably the two biggest independents on the west coast of Florida so it might be worthwhile to set something up with them if possible.

    I grew up down there and know the area really well. I wish I could commit to helping you out in some way but I have surgery scheduled that week and I'm gonna be a little busy with scalpels and anesthesia and whatnot:).

    If I come up with more stores in the area, I'll let you know.

    Best wishes,
    Belea T. Keeney

  9. Check your e-mail; I've got anything you need in Pittsburgh and am actually only 2 hours or so from the Land of Cleves. (right off the turnpike for a convenient potty break too)

    You're... umm... not an axe murderer, are you? I DO like to clear that up before inviting a total stranger into my house.

  10. Anonymous2:48 PM

    And there's a B&N and a mystery oriented bookstore in Bloomington, Indiana if you decide to drive that far south... :)

  11. Good luck, Joe! I didn't see any Texas locations... bummer. Maybe you'll stop by during the next 500.

    Looking forward to the daily blog entries.

  12. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Shot you an email about a couple of good independents that are worth hitting here in San Francisco, as well as a invite to dinner or lunch and an offer of a spare room (which is just up the street from the SF Mystery book store).

    We’ll take care of you when you hit the Left Coast.

  13. I'm in awe. Have a wonderful trip, Joe.

  14. Anonymous11:38 PM

    What a schedule. May you sell a lot of books. If you ever head north of the border, Vancouver I would be glad to show you the bookstores and have you out.

  15. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Sorry for that link. Tiny url:

  16. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Hmm, what will a McDonald's gift card get me?!? :)

    FYI, the San Francisco Embarcadero Center Waldenbooks has been closed for some time now.

    The former owner of A Clean Well-Lighted Place for Books opened up Bookstore West Portal at 80 West Poral Ave. It's across the street and one block up from the Waldenbooks.

    Also consider the San Francisco State Bookstore as it has a large general books section and is a 10 minute walk from Borders. More info at :

  17. It's a shame your not coming to Tulsa, I would've sprung for burgers and beers. Oddly enough, I have a couple of spare beds at my house as well.

    Maybe next tour...

  18. Hats off to you Joe. I think what you're doing is awesome, brave and ballsy! Will look for you in Jax and would love to converse over a treat : )


  19. Wow - that schedule is just amazing. I wish you were coming to the coast of NC but I realize we just aren't a bookstore hotspot :) Take care and have a great tour!

  20. What I'll tell you about some of your NJ/PA trip...

    I did a signing at the Borders Express, 9th and Market, Philly.

    Nice, NICE people there. They like cookies. The B. Dalton that you have listed at Gallery II.. well the Borders Express is also in the same mall. It's a big mall, and on a nice Saturday is usually crowded. I had a rainy day, and the place was deserted. The Borders is near the McD's.

    Rittenhouse Square area - I've never been in that store, but it's the swanky part of town. LOTS of money.

    The Borders Express in Deptford, NJ at Deptford Center Road is also in a mall. Nice mall though. I'm going to try and book a signing there myself soon.

    The B&N in Deptford is a big, giant store. The CRM's name is Mia. She's also very nice.

    I'll mark it on my calendar and try to catch you at one of the Deptford stores. :)

  21. Oh, B&N in Moorestown, NJ. I'll be there beginning of Oct.

    CRM's name is Linda.

  22. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Holy crap! That's amazing. Good luck, sell a ton and drive safe.

  23. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Don't miss a great indie, The Happy Bookseller, in Columbia S.C. They're aces at handselling.

  24. Ambitious schedule, Joe. Best of luck and safe journey to you.

    I see you are hitting my old favorite, The Book House in Stuyvesant Plaza, Albany, NY. Too bad I won't be there to meet you. I was in Albany last month for a visit but I have no plans to go back soon. Maybe I'll send a friend along in my stead.

  25. Best wishes for the tour, Joe. I hope you bring plenty of good cds with you to jam to on the road.

    Depending on whether or not you've got the time, I'll treat for beers and burgers when you hit the Borders in Newark, DE.

  26. Yay! See you in Woodbridge NJ!
    I have one question. I viewed your entire list and wonder if you scheduled any time for SLEEP???

  27. hey Joe,
    Greetings from the wilds of upper michigan where we are on tour and found a WiFi spot in the sand dunes. We missed you at Centuries and Sleuths in Chicago the other night!

    In Florida, a couple places not to miss:

    1. Circle Books in Sarasota. Great indy store that treats writers right and had good foot traffic in a tourist location.

    2. Murder on the Beach in Delray about 20 minutes north of Ft. Lauderdale. I can't believe you're not booked at Joanne's store.

    I don't drive to Miami, so can't catch your act there. But would love to see you. We'll talk!

  28. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Joe, on the way back from Thrillerfest, I stopped at two Borders (the one near the Biltmore and the one just off the freeway) and signed stock. So who had newly-signed copies on the endcaps? You and Barry Eisler. Dang, you got there before me!



Thanks for the comment! Joe will get back to you eventually. :)