Melinda: Like me, Summer Daniels is an erotica writer. She's also the creator of the very popular Facebook page, What To Read After Fifty Shades of Grey (WTRAFSOG).
We'll talk about that site, and your new app, in a moment. But first, what's new on the writing front for you?

I actually have been extremely poor at carving out time for my writing lately, leaving a lot of devoted fans of my Summer’s Journey series waiting for the next installment. The WTRAFSOG page is a labor of love, but it is a sponge, sucking up any and all available time.
One day I hope to turn WTRAFSOG into a full time gig, promoting authors and spreading the brand out to a larger audience. Until then I work away at a full time day job, somehow fit in another 4 - 6 hours a day on the FB page and occasionally find time to have some semblance of a life. Writing unfortunately has come a distant fourth lately.
However, I am actually working on something new at the moment, just not entirely sure how to classify it in terms of genre. It has elements of romance, paranormal and spirituality (and probably a little erotica as well since I cannot seem to stray too far from my roots!). I love the premise of it, now I just have to finish writing it!
However, I am actually working on something new at the moment, just not entirely sure how to classify it in terms of genre. It has elements of romance, paranormal and spirituality (and probably a little erotica as well since I cannot seem to stray too far from my roots!). I love the premise of it, now I just have to finish writing it!
So, what are you up to?
Melinda: Besides the two Alice in Wonderland ebooks, Fifty Shades of Alice in Wonderland and Fifty Shades of Alice Through the Looking Glass, I've done another erotic fairy tale, Fifty Shades of Jezebel and the Beanstalk. Same type of humorous "girl on a sexual journey" story, with a few new kinks, and a lot of new jokes.
Summer: You announced a third Alice ebook, Fifty Shades of Alice at the Hellfire Club. What's the status?
Melinda: That will happen this year. It depends on my writing partner and aligning our schedules.
Summer: So Melinda DuChamp is a pen name for more than one person?
Melinda: Right now there are four people working on DuChamp stories, with a few more in the pipeline. We hope to brand her.
Not literally, of course. The books feature some bondage, spanking, and light S/m, but no branding. ;)
The two latest DuChamp titles are in the futuristic Sexperts series. The Sexperts: Fifty Grades of Shay, and The Sexperts: Girl With A Pearl Necklace.
Though these are science fiction rather than fairy tales, the tone and sex are consistent for all of DuChamp's work. Namely, they're light and fun and hot.
These are erotic stories for smart people who like to laugh.
The main goal is to make the reader giggle while turning them on. But the secondary goal--which is just as important--is to tell a good story, where women are empowered, fantasies (including dark ones) are explored, and readers are both entertained and aroused.

So the books have a lot of humor, along with a lot of heat and a lot of heart. And hopefully there is something for everyone in them, no matter your sexual proclivities. They go WAY beyond 50 Shades of Grey.
Summer: I have read both of the current Fifty Shades of Alice releases and absolutely loved them. Then again my motto has long been “Laughter Makes The Panties Wetter”, so humorous and intelligent storytelling goes a long way with me. I urge anyone who enjoys a well written story that tickles the funny bone (among other things) to give Melinda’s books a read. Just be sure to waterproof your e-reader first.
Melinda: Thanks, Summer! Not to get all mutual appreciation society, but I found your Summer's Journey series to be powerfully erotic. A woman deciding to finally explore her wild side after years of denying it, and finding a sexy guy to go on the adventure with, is a solid idea, well-executed. It's also very hot.
Summer: You say above that “these are erotic stories for smart people who like to laugh.” I think this point is very apt as I truly feel there is no need (as some authors believe) to tone down the level of vocabulary or intelligence in order to connect with more readers. Readers are much more intelligent and savvy than many authors in today’s market give them credit for.
I have tried to tell an intelligent and well written story with my Summer’s Journey series and have gotten some incredible feedback as a result. Now I just have to break away from the sisyphean task that is WTRAFSOG long enough to get my own writing done! (See what I did with the big word there? Readers are, by their very nature, inquisitive, intelligent and well spoken. That is at least my experience, your mileage may vary.)
Melinda: Sisyphus rocks.
I also could have used the joke "he's trying to be a little boulder in his life" or "from there it was all downhill." But I didn't, and I'm proud I restrained myself.
Summer: There has to be a joke in there somewhere about “rock hard, erotica, etc.”, but I believe we’ll leave that particular stone unturned. For now.
Do you think the erotica market has gotten tougher?
Melinda: Yes. Selena Kitt has talked about this at length. Amazon has blocked certain types of erotica, and made it harder for readers to find it. B&N has kicked erotica off the bestseller lists by manipulating ranking. Plus the major ebook advertisers tend to shy away from erotica.

I was talking with one of my co-authors about having high standards for this brand. Hardcore readers tend to be discriminating. To gain them as fans, authors need to have standards that are just as high. There is so much out there to read, you may not have a second chance to make that first impression.
Getting back to what you're currently doing, you were a guest here a few years ago, talking about WTRAFSOG. For those too lazy to follow links, can you give us an overview of the page, and what's changed since 2012?
Summer: The WTRAFSOG (What to Read After Fifty Shades of Grey) page was set up in April of 2012 with the initial intent of gathering a few readers together to help sell my Summer’s Journey series. I also really liked the idea of Paying It Forward and giving back a little to the community that had been so welcoming to me when I first started writing. It has evolved over time into an incredibly active reader recommendation and author promotion community.
I had to go back and read the previous guest blog to recall the exact state of WTRAFSOG back then. Hard to believe a year and a half has passed since that blog post. Looks like the FB page was doing well back then, just cresting over 10,800 fans and averaging a little over 200 books sold per day through the links on the site.
Since then, we have grown just a little. We are now at 81,000+ fans on the Facebook page and the site averages over 500+ books sold every day through the posts and promotions on the page.
In that original post long ago we also talked about Discoverability and the “war” for finding readers in the virtual world.
In a lot of ways there is more need for pages like WTRAFSOG to help spread the word about authors and their books, but certain market limitations have been imposed by large players in the field such as Amazon and Facebook. Eighteen months ago, before many of the algorithm changes that Facebook has imposed, a typical post on a page like WTRAFSOG reached anywhere from 30% - 50% of any page fans that have “Liked” your page. After algorithm changes and a push by Facebook to monetize their service, essentially requiring authors and pages to “pay to play”, a typical post now is lucky to reach 10% and often much less than that.
There are mitigating factors such as the number of likes and comments (and shares) of a particular post that dramatically impact how many fans of the page see a given post, but for less than 10% of your fans - who by liking the page stated their desire to see your content - to actually be receiving that content, is extremely limiting.
Add on top of that one major change by Amazon in terms of the number of FREE books that can be advertised / downloaded, and you have reduced the capability of pages like WTRAFSOG to reach readers.
One of the things I have done with WTRAFSOG to help combat these changes is to start trying to brand the WTRAFSOG page (and service) as the new “Erotic Bookbub”. I have built the mailing list up to almost 7,000 subscribers and I have started doing individual promo and multi-author email blasts to help spread the word to even more readers. (Multi-Author promo example here - including a sign up link for our mailing list should anyone be so inclined.)
The other development that I’m pretty excited about in terms of the potential to reach a wider and more diversified audience is the WTRAFSOG APP.
Melinda: Tell us all about it.
Summer: The WTRAFSOG App mirrors the Facebook Page to a large degree, but adds the functionality of a FREE Ebook of the Day feature, Hot New Releases, Pre-Orders, Author Spotlights, 99 Cent Sale Bin (for books that are always 99 cents), Trilogies, Box Sets and more. I’ve packed a lot of features into the app, which I’ve now marked down to 99 Cents! Included as well is our bi-monthly Top Fifty list, which has been cultivated by tracking 23+ months worth of sales data from reader recommendations and author promotions.
Melinda: I've downloaded the app for my iPhone, and found it very user-friendly and simple. Have you considered charging authors to be featured?
Summer: I have indeed considered charging authors to be featured, but I want to spread the visibility of the app a little wider first in order to provide better value for their advertising dollar.
One thing I will say about the app is that, although time consuming to initially design, it was fairly easy to build utilizing the online tool that I did. A simple app, given away for free, that includes bio information, links to websites and where to find that author’s works, etc. could be another valuable arrow in the marketing quiver. If I had the time to devote, I would offer to build said author apps for a small fee. I would imagine anyone with the skills and inclination to do so could make a small cottage industry out of this idea. I’ll only expect 30% in return for this idea.
Getting back to you, I've heard this rumor that Melinda DuChamp is actually Joe Konrath.
Care to comment?
Melinda: Anyone who reads the books and gets my sense of humor should know right away. The DuChamp books are laugh out loud funny, they're intentionally branded, my buddy Carl Graves did the covers, and Brilliance Audio--which publishes all of my audiobooks--also publishes DuChamp.
Of course I'm Konrath.
I wrote my first explicit sex scene in Cherry Bomb back in 2008, and I found it to be a lot of fun. So did my wife. So when 50 Shades of Grey became huge, I saw an opportunity to do three things:
1. Write some fun smut for smart people who like to laugh.
2. Prove I could write books that sell under a name other than "J.A. Konrath."
3. Diversify. A different income stream, under a different name.
But I can only take half of the credit for Melinda DuChamp. I have a main co-writer--who is well-known in the romance community--and this writer does 50% of the work, if not more.
We're currently working with other writers, splitting the work three ways.
Franchising DuChamp will give us the greatest opportunity to be visible. Of course, the writers we've recruited are pros, so the standards stay high.
Self-publishing has given writers an unprecedented opportunity. We can be whomever we want to be, write whatever we want to write, reinvent ourselves as often as we want to.
How cool is that?
Summer: So why are you finally coming out as DuChamp?

So who is my main collaborator, and why haven't they come out as Melinda? They can speak for themselves.
Melinda: I haven’t come out as Melinda, because Joe is paranoid. :P
Joe: Untrue. I just happen to be the proud owner of five firearms and am a pretty decent shot. Plus I'm too unpleasant and ugly to stalk.
I'm friends with a few authors who write erotica, and they use pen names because of cyber-creeps. Of which there are many. It's a shame that there are unstable people out there who harass authors, and feminist erotica can be a bullseye for stalkers.
When I said we were franchising DuChamp, does that mean we want to open submissions to everyone?
Melinda: Not at the moment. We simply don’t have the time to take submissions. But who knows? Maybe that will change in the future.
Summer: Oooh!! (Raises Hand!) I wanna do the DuChamp!! And yes - I’m picturing a particular funky dance number to go along with that. I’m thinking a cross between the Lindy and the Waltz perhaps.
Joe: So your pen name wants to write under my pen name? That's up to my partner.
Summer: When you say under your pen name, how far are we going under? This is starting to seem like Inception: The Erotic Chapter.
Melinda: Sounds kinky. ;)
Joe: Maybe we can cross-brand sometime in the future. A DuChamp/Daniels collaboration. But we'd have to specify it is Summer Daniels, not Jack Daniels...
But getting back on track, here.
Summer Daniels has a new free app, and everyone who likes romance and erotica should download it. You'll also like her Summer's Journey stories.
And if you like my writing, and have never read my erotica, give it a try and let me know what you think.
If you don't like it, it's my collaborator's fault. :)
So many closet references, so little time.
Congrats on coming out, Joe. I think most of us knew you had a hand in Melinda … uh, what I meant to say was … oh, never mind.
In all seriousness, I'm wondering if Summer has ever thought about "franchising" the WTRA idea to other genres. Like a WTRA Harry Potter, or WTRA The DaVinci Code, etc.
Good idea, Alan.
That could be very lucrative, and it would be a much different route to visibility than bookbub. Potentially effective, too.
I have not personally had a hand in (yes - pun intended) ... others trying to copy the success of WTRAFSOG, but there have been attempts.
There is a page I believe called What To Read After The Hunger Games for example ... that has not managed to duplicate the success.
I think much of the success can be explained by hard work (I've done nothing but the WTRAFSOG page for almost 2 solid years now), but also due to the voracious nature of the genre readers. Many of them go through 3 - 4 books a week if not more.
Thinking of franchising though stirs some interesting thoughts.
Congrats to Melinda & Summer! I thought that Melinda was JA Konrath before I even read anything by her. The clue was in the first post when Melinda mentioned hiring Rob Siders of 52 Novels for book design. I hired 52 Novels based on JA Konrath's recommendation and I've always scheduled my books with Amy Siders - who I think works with new writers. If Melinda had been a new writer to 52 Novels, I believe she would have heard from Amy instead of Rob. Happy Coming Out, Melinda!
Summer is an absolute treasure for those writing in the erotica genre. She's done so much to help us get the word out about our writing, to targeted readers -- and she answers stupid questions from people like me who seem to struggle with reading directions before acting!
Glad to see her interviewed here -- maybe even more success for her!
So Joe/Melinda, now that the pussy-cat is out of the bag, do you plan on sharing DuChamp sales data? We are all curious how well the pseudonym has done compared to your other ebooks...
My guess is pretty good or you wouldn't be writing more.
"Summer is an absolute treasure for those writing in the erotica genre."
She really is. I can't say enough how much I appreciate her tireless work on behalf of erotica authors and readers!
Summer is awesome, and works her butt off spreading erotica love to the fans. Thanks to you, Joe, Melinda, (and whomever else is in there) for giving back.
To quote the great Chandler Bing: "I KNEW it!"
I personally think that the DuChamp covers are the best examples of book covers on the market. They are eye catching, and have a unique design for an easily recognizable branding. Good work. I have my guess on your silent partner but to respect their privacy, will keep it to myself.
Great idea on the app. I hope you can find time for your writing, but I assume you must be enjoying your other directions right now. Ride the wave while you can.
It is truly a pleasure to see these great examples on what can be done in the self-publishing world. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Great post on all the possibilities with self-publishing. There is so much more to this journey. We've all just begun.
Summer's page has been a huge boon for erotica and erotic romance writers - if it weren't for Mark Zuckerberg and those meddling Facebook algorithms! :/ She generously offered the service for free for a LONG time and now has paid marketing (thanks to FB's hanky panky) as well. It really helped boost visibility for erotica/erotic romance when the cockblockers at Amazon and elsewhere were trying their best to keep us down. :P She deserves a lot of credit for that.
As for Melinda/Joe - how's it feel to be out of the closet as a smut writer? Congrats on crossing the streams. May the royalties be ever in your favor! :)
Thank you Shandra, Kiki and JKR ...
I appreciate the kind words and positive feedback!
And you too of course Selena ... :-)
I still offer free promo to one and all ... I just started offering paid promo options to attempt to counter-act the FB changes.
The APP is simply another salvo in that battle. One that I have high hopes for in terms of reaching new readers and markets.
Good for you, Joe, for starting another good avenue for fun stories and more income. I thought it was written by a man all along:
Pastor reportedly buys his way onto New York Times bestseller list
Mark Driscoll reportedly paid the firm ResultSource Inc. hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure a place on the NYT bestseller list for his book. It's only the latest story of companies who will work to ensure a book makes it onto a bestseller list.
Has anyone ever tried this service before?
Ahh, Patrice...
But it wasn't written by a man. It was written by a man AND a woman. Which, if I remember correctly, was your second guess. :)
Which, if I remember correctly, was your second guess. :)
I have no illusions that I have the ability to write like a woman. I lack the empathy, talent, and emotion.
But if we want to play the sexism card, my realization that I can't write like a woman makes me acquiesce to the women I write with. I hope.
I’d read in the comments on this blog that Amazon suppressed erotica and, though I didn’t doubt that the posters believed it, I had a hard time accepting it as fact. Until…
I put one of my books, which had sold zero copies the prior month, on the Countdown Deal. It sold 50 copies in four days. OK, not blockbuster stuff, but proof to me that if it was ‘discoverable’ some people would buy it.
Then I put the one book I recently published under a pseudonym up for the Countdown Deal. It, too, hadn’t sold a single copy the month prior.It had zero sales in countdown and I knew that, like the other one, if it was discoverable by those who liked the genre it would sell…at least some copies. So I paged through every screen of the countdown books, in every genre I thought it might have been tucked in to. It wasn’t there. When I went to its product page, there was the countdown meter and the reduced price. So it was a countdown deal, but Amazon gave it no visibility.
The first book was mainstream genre with a handful of very good reviews. The second book was erotica with a handful of very good reviews. The only difference: one was erotica and one wasn’t. Really, Amazon?
As long as I’m here, I also want to thank Summer. My pseudonymous smut was launched when I did a guest post on Joe’s blog back in September (, and Summer was kind enough to put a blurb for it on WTRAFSOG. Summer, your kindness rocks.
Alas, and nonetheless, my sales took a precipitous dive soon after the book’s launch. I haven’t written a second one and was seriously thinking of giving up. But some of Summer’s ideas in this post have me rethinking. I’ll be following Summer’s FB page and new app. If Amazon won’t provide fair visibility, maybe Summer’s future plans might.
Pastor reportedly buys his way onto New York Times bestseller list
Mark Driscoll reportedly paid the firm ResultSource Inc. hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure a place on the NYT bestseller list for his book. It's only the latest story of companies who will work to ensure a book makes it onto a bestseller list.
Has anyone ever tried this service before?"
There's someone, and his name is Soren Kaplan. He relates his experience here:
I've blogged about that on february, 2013.
As long as I’m here, I also want to thank Summer. My pseudonymous smut was launched when I did a guest post on Joe’s blog back in September (, and Summer was kind enough to put a blurb for it on WTRAFSOG. Summer, your kindness rocks.
Alas, and nonetheless, my sales took a precipitous dive soon after the book’s launch. I haven’t written a second one and was seriously thinking of giving up. But some of Summer’s ideas in this post have me rethinking. I’ll be following Summer’s FB page and new app. If Amazon won’t provide fair visibility, maybe Summer’s future plans might.
My pleasure Brianna. :-)
I think as technology changes we do well to adapt and change with it, opening up new avenues of promotion and thinking outside the box.
As Joe has long proposed ... don't be afraid to experiment!
Oh poop, I think you're right, Joe. I'm an indie author and I signed that petition without really thinking about it. I was just angry at the trolls. I didn't realise that the way I've avoided trolls all these years is by ignoring them. I just didn't go onto Goodreads or any Amazon forums. By not engaging with the trolls, they didn't know who I was and never attacked me. It's obvious to me now. If authors don't want to be bullied then don't go where the bullies are! Duh.
I wonder if I can get my name off that petition...
Also, I review anonymously on Amazon myself, as an indie author. Most of my book reviews are positive, but I don't want anyone thinking that I'm butt kissing any other authors in particular. That's why I value the option of reviewing anonymously on Amazon.
I think a lot of people who buy books from Amazon would be very pissed off if they couldn't review anonymously any more. Most people who buy books don't bother to review, but when they do and they want to do so anonymously, they appreciate that they can do so.
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