Joe Konrath: Naughty is the third prequel (following Hit and Exposed) to the Chandler trilogy. These short novels lead up to the events in Flee, Spree, and Three.
It follows a similar formula to the others in the series; a spy faces impossible odds, nonstop action, sex, and violence ensue. Think a female James Bond, but with a much faster pace.
Ann: I wrote the lion's share of Exposed and Hit, the other two prequels. So Naughty was your turn to do the heavy lifting. What was it like to make bad girl Hammett the heroine of her own story?
Joe: It's a challenge to make a villain into the main protagonist. I did something similar in my Jack Daniels novel Cherry Bomb, where fully half the book was in the killer's point of view. But those scenes were balanced with Jack chasing the bad guy.
Hammett is the bad guy for the trilogy, and the reader should justifiably fear her in Flee, Spree, and Three. But in Naughty, she's the protag. I couldn't make her too heroic, because she's psychotic. But I also couldn't make her too evil, because then the readers would be detached.
So it was a tightrope walk between being too extreme and not extreme enough. Hammett does some terrible things in this story, but she does them to terrible people. Hopefully she's compelling enough to carry the story, and readers will root for her, but then root against her in the later books.
Ann: You've mentioned that Heath is your favorite of all the characters I've created (Hit, Three), and he makes an appearance in Naughty, too. I thought you did a great job. What did you enjoy most about writing him? Least?
Joe: Thanks for the compliment. Heath is a terrific character—a Mexican assassin who is charming, funny, sexy, and very dangerous. I did a Heath scene in Hit (when he and Chandler played blackjack) and wrote some of his lines in Three, but this was the first time I got to do whatever I wanted to with him. Which, predictably, resulted in a shootout and an extended sex scene.
Heath provides some much-needed humor in Naughty, as well as some much-needed heat. It's a lot of fun, as an author, to make the reader feel different things. Fear, joy, surprise, arousal, sadness, laughter. What makes Heath such a great character is that he has an unusual ability to amuse, titillate, shock, and excite, often on the same page. Most characters aren't that versatile.
The only thing I don't like about Heath is that you created him, not me, so I can't write a novel with him as the hero. That would be a lot of fun.
Ann: Naughty also features the other four sisters to Hammett, Chandler, and Fleming; Ludlum, Forsyth, Clancy, and Follett. And we get to see them in action.

Ann: You've written some sex in our other books, even though readers often assume I wrote it all. In this story, you wrote all the sex, with just a few additions from me. Do you like writing sex scenes? What do you think sex adds to a thriller?
Joe: Sex scenes are really entertaining to write, and I hope my enthusiasm comes through in the final product. But unless you're specifically writing erotica, the sole purpose of which is to arouse, then the sex has to be more than just friction and fluids.
In Naughty, there are two sex scenes, a brief one early on and then one later that's about 2000 words long. They help establish the kind of person Hammett is. They also further the plot and create an internal conflict in Hammett—something that gives her the opportunity to change and grow. A good character is a dynamic one; she has to change as a consequence of the plot.
The longer sex scene was unusual in that the point was competition—both characters are trying to make the other orgasm first. Their competitive nature was established earlier, and this was an obvious, and needed, escalation of that.
As I mentioned earlier, and many times on the blog, stories are way for readers to vicariously and safely experience emotion. I love to make readers laugh. I love to scare readers. I also love to turn readers on.
And I think I'm getting pretty good at it. My secret pen name writes erotica (as many of you have suspected) and those books have been getting great reviews and are selling well.
In thrillers, which are all about quick pacing and suspense and action, sex adds another layer of urgency and playfulness to the story. Reading about Hammett killing bad guys and kicking ass is entertaining, and adding some mind-blowing, over-the-top sex makes her character, and the story, more like the thrill ride it is meant to be.
I've read reviews of the Chandler books—all of which have some hot love scenes in them—from readers who felt the sex wasn't needed. And then they blame you for it, Ann, since you've written thirty romantic suspense novels.
I find these reviews fascinating. People are okay with us torturing someone for information, but consensual sex between two adults makes them upset.

Just remember this important point: if you read the sex scene and are offended, blame Ann.
Ann: Whenever I talk to authors who have self-published or are considering it, they overwhelmingly focus on the business end of publishing; namely self-promotion, sales numbers, and reviews. Are those the measures of success we should be focusing on? Shouldn't the actual writing be somewhere on the priority list?
Joe: You and I have talked extensively about this. I've also had similarly long discussions with Blake Crouch.
I wrote a blog post called Quitter Quitter that explained how difficult this business is, how luck plays a huge part, and how there are no guarantees. In the comments, a few writers admitted they were quitting. But the reason why they're quitting is interesting. To paraphrase, they're quitting because they aren't selling well.
This really intrigues me, because I understand it. But it also runs counter to why I became a writer in the first place.
Way back when I was a kid, I wrote for the sheer pleasure of it. I loved making up stories. Then I shared those stories with my very tolerant friends and family, and took pleasure from their enjoyment of my work.
But the end goal was to do this as a job. And once I began to make money, my mindset changed. I began to judge my successes and failures not by how much I liked writing the story, or how much my peers liked it, but instead by how many copies it sold, and how many good reviews it got.
I think most writers fall into this trap—and it is a trap. You go from writing for yourself, to writing for the market. And when the market isn't meeting your expectations, you get frustrated and unhappy.
I'm trying to get back into my original mindset, and write for the sheer joy of it. When I abandoned legacy publishing, I abandoned a lot of the bad stuff associated with it: deadlines, forced edits, word length, bad covers, title changes, lengthy time to publication, book tours, and the biggest one of all; the necessity for my latest book to outsell my previous book or else I'd be dropped.
Now that I self-publish, I no longer have to deal with all of that negative stuff. But I still vary the biggest baggage from those days—I'm still worried about sales. So I've spent a lot of time thinking about how to increase sales, wondering why some sales drop off, trying to figure out some basic rules for selling as many books as possible.
And I learned something profound. NO ONE knows why some books sell and others don't.
Since that's the case, I try to no longer worry about sales. I write what I want to, market to the best of my ability, and then it is out of my hands. Either the book will do well, or it won't.
But if it doesn't do well, so what? I still enjoyed writing it. Maybe it will find an audience next year, or after I'm dead. That's beyond my control. What's within my control is to keep writing.
I'll never stop writing, even if my sales all dry up. I love it too much. And while I treat writing as a business, I refuse to let the business aspect become the reason I write.

Joe: Heh, you asked me that because you know how chaotic my life is, and how thin I'm spreading myself.
The chaos is self-inflicted, and having too many things to do is a quality problem to have. I'd certainly never complain that I have too much to do.
My ever-present goal is to stay on top of things as they pile up, so I'm never overwhelmed by them. I wish I could work faster and get more done, but I'm only one person and things take as long as they take. Lately, I'm trying to focus on one project at a time, get it done, and immediately jump onto the next project. I've got 14 more Jack Daniels collaborations to edit and release, and I apologize to all those writers whose stories I've accepted, because it's taking longer than I want it to. But when I do get to your story, it will have my full attention, and the end result will be worth the wait.
I don't believe in balance. I equate it with complacency. So instead, I bite off more than I can chew to see if I can handle it. That way, I'm constantly trying to do more, to get better. If my life were balanced, I wouldn't be challenging myself, and I think that taking on more and more is one of the reasons I'm successful.
Ann: So what do you have coming up?
Joe: I hope to get a dozen Jack Daniels collaboration stories up by the end of the year, including a novel I'm doing with Blake Crouch to wrap up the Luther Kite/ Lucy & Donaldson saga. In 2014, I'm going to write a sequel to Origin, the third Timecaster novel, and perhaps the fourth Chandler novel.
Ann: The Codename: Chandler series can be read in any order, and it isn't necessary to read everything to enjoy any story by itself. But if you're a reader who digs reading in chronological order, it goes:
Flee, Spree, and Three all take place in the same week, and Hit, Exposed, and Naughty take place prior to that trilogy.
The prequels can also be read after the trilogy, as the prequels might contain some minor spoilers. If you don't like spoilers, read them as:
Joe: They can also be read alphabetically, but I can't think of a single advantage to that. But if you're OCD, go for it. And when you're finished, come over to my house and organize my sock drawer.
Ann: Soon we'll release a paper edition of the three prequels, along with an ebook box set. The three novels are also available as a collection. What is the advantage of offering box sets?
Joe: The more virtual shelf space you have, the likelier you are at being discovered. So make your novels into box sets, release shorts singly and as collections, and join forces with other authors to exchange fans.
I've noticed that certain readers tend to buy at certain price points. Some may not think anything less than $9.99 is worthwhile, so make sure you have ebooks available at that price. Some don't ever want to spend more than 99 cents, so make sure you have ebooks in that range too.
The goal is to have so many titles available, at some many different prices, that you have something to offer every reader. That's one of the reasons why I hop around in different genres. Besides being fun, it also lets me reach readers who aren't interested in my other work.
Ann: I also want to mention that Flee, Spree, and Three are only $2.00 each for the month of October, so now's a good time to grab them. And check out Hammett's story in Naughty. It's only $2.99.
Great post Ann & Joe.
Where do I get a bottle of the Prolific Pills y’all are taking? You’re dedication and passion for writing and sharing your stories comes through in your post. It’s a great motivator and measure for all of us.
Does your collaboration approach generate more writing energy from each of you? More competition to “out-write” your partner?
Thanks again for sharing more strategies on write-write-write and promote-sell then write more. As shoppers, we all want a huge store crammed with product choices. (Amazon is surely that!) Y’all demonstrate the value of capturing readers by offering volume, packaging and variety on our own bookshelves.
Love the guest posts. Keep ‘em coming.
"Just remember this important point: if you read the sex scene and are offended, blame Ann." ~ JK
hee hee hee
nice Q&A. Thanks!
It's funny, when I was reading one of the Chandler books (forget which one, one of the novellas, I think) and BAM there was this really long and explicit sex scene and I was like, "Whoa, what? Did someone just swap a book on me?" It was somewhat disconcerting. You really don't see that kind of sex in an action/thriller.
Oh, heck. I've been falling into this trap of judging how well I'm doing at writing by how well my stories are selling...from day to day, even.
Man, I've got to stop doing that. I'm *enjoying* writing. I'm getting my things out there, even if I've given away more than I've ever sold. It's something. It matters to me, and maybe my stories make somebody smile or laugh or cry (hopefully in a good way!!), or feel *something.*
Thank you for these words. :) And three of my stories are currently free on Amazon, for anyone who wants to check 'em out:
I can't promise they're good - I can promise I enjoyed the heck out of writing them!
Peace and love~
Thomas and Mercer treated a bunch of us to a long weekend in Seattle a few weeks ago, and I had the good fortune of hanging out with Ann at the hotel bar a bit. We started talking about her collaborations with Joe, how they flow seamlessly and the difficulty of discerning which author wrote what, but with some brilliant deductive reasoning (if I should say so myself), I was able to nail at least one of the sex scenes she was responsible for.
I won't say which one. ;)
S.H.E.I.L.D. vs. HYDRA? Sorry, couldn't resist and just showing my age.
Sorry--"SHIELD." Joe, Ann, the covers look fantastic and I'll be reading soon. Thanks!
Hi Joe and Ann,
Great to hear of the release of Naughty. You two are a great example of the benefits of collaboration. As a Joe Fan, my first exposure to Ann was with Flee, and I now eagerly await any of your new work.
I love your comments about writing for the enjoyment of it. I found some of the comments following the Quitter Quitter post a bit sad. Although, I can't relate to having 20 titles on the market, I am having a blast writing my first two books. I never would have imagined how much fun it would be. RJ if you're out there, I hope you find the peace you are looking for.
Jude -- You Nailed It?? -Talking about a sex scene...I'm guessing that term just came to mind :)
Hollis - Might I suggest hyperlinking to your books when you list them. I just learned how to do this myself. It makes it much more likely that people will check them out...esp. people using tablets where it's harder to cut and paste.
Check out this how to.
Click here to learn how to hyperlink
Thanks for a great post.
PS. The only negative with finding the enjoyment in writing, is having less time to read...I'm a few books behind in the Chandler series :)
Thanks for the reminder; I just picked up THREE. And good luck to everybody.
Yes, there's joy in writing. Exhilaration. Self-fulfillment. But every time you do what you are made for and there are no sales, it's like drinking a bitter medicine.
Yes, nobody owes you anything.That's perfectly right. You can pour your soul into your work, it's still a product competing with millions others.
We have to fight bitterness, to keep on the flame. I have to, because I'm made to write.
But even if I were young and not hoping any sales, I think the bitterness would be quite similar if I finished, say, a short story, and nobody around me would like to read it.
For me, writing is deeply linked with sharing.
"So make your novels into box sets..." - JK
Joe, do you think box sets cut into the sales of the individual books they contain? Any data on this?
Ann, I'm looking forward to that sequel to PUSHED TOO FAR (CUT/BURNED/DEAD TOO DEEP/HOT/SOON...all are great titles lol.) So hurry up! But no pressure ;-)
Joe, it makes me very happy to know you will finally be writing an ORIGIN sequel. Also, I promise you that the TIMECASTER series will find a huge audience soon, because it rocks, so by all means get to work on TIMECASTER 3!!!
And seriously, you can't keep the SS Pen Name a secret forever. COME on!
Ah ... is this the first time (in public) you've admitted the super secret pen name is writing Erotica??
How was your first time? Did you remember to take it slow and use lots of lube? ;-)~
While I am certain you are smart enough to have taken advantage of me ... I mean of my WTRAFSOG FB site - to get some promo for your erotica ... any interest in collaboration of an erotic sort?
You have collaborated with many authors in other genres.
Have you broken your erotic collaboration cherry? ;-)
Summer Daniels
Author: Summer's Journey
Downloading! Looks fantastic!
My main focus right now is sci-fi, and I often put sex scenes (very tame) in my books. Apparently most sci-fi writers don't know about sex! But I like both humor and sex, so I try to inject (heh) a bit of each when it makes sense for the story.
I'm just starting to make real money as an indie writer, and I constantly try to remember to enjoy the writing... because otherwise I may as well be doing something else. At the end of the day, you want to love what you do.
Amazing post and great overview for an interesting authorship. From the way you describe the trilogy, I am so excited to read one of them. I really love women chasing bad guys. And you mentioned that the heroine is like the female version of James Bond. I like that, the detective type? Please tell me where I can purchase your book and I am glad doing so. More power
I definitely agree with the notion that personal enjoyment should be the primary motivation for writing. For a while I got swept up in all the hype about people getting rich with ebooks, and disappointment with my own lack of sales started to taint the fun I was having. Putting money into cover design and formatting made it worse by heightening the "need for sales" mindset I was falling into. Now I'm consciously trying to re-focus on the fun. I'm still self-publishing ebooks--it's fun for me to think that my words are out in the world, where people might encounter them and, hopefully, enjoy them--but I'm not putting any money into it. My own cover design and formatting might be primitive compared to professionally commissioned stuff, but the story is still there, and I didn't have to incur debt to achieve that.
Hi Joe, Ann
Looking forward to reading the book, and enjoying the buzz that you guys broadcast from your collaborations.
Collaborations...such an interesting area, and so many ways to slice and dice. Having developed shared fiction concepts, worlds and story lines for years, my plans with an old friend are to let each other loose in those realms. Each writes tales to their own heart, and to the tone they like, in the worlds - and the other is there only as a safety net/copy checker, and to be entertained. No shared writing, no splitting sections to draft, no to and fro.
Of course, we'll have to see how it goes. One thing is for sure, we're still on our own to write the whole thing, each time, in this model, and that is where momentum may lack in such a style of collaboration - no to and fro, and no urgency, perhaps.
On the other hand there is no endless re-plotting and potential dilution of story lines by trying to reach common ground before properly drafting - which has been a tendency. However, we are really just getting going on output, and mileage will vary for everyone else who might explore this - folks may just let loose and to and fro from the get-go!
2014 will see the first works come out from those collaborative worlds of shared dreams.
Meantime, I've revised a story and just reissued the tale. It's my serial thriller, THE EYEWITNESS PROTOCOLS, by PJ Reynolds.
Best wishes to all on your collaborations, your plans and I hope you maintain a stubborn buoyancy of spirit.
Thanks, too, to Joe. This is a great community, and your clear energy is much appreciated.
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