But that's what he did. I've been talking with Paul about this for years, and he and I were two of the first authors to becom
e involved in the Amazon Shorts program (now defunct). When KDP came around, Paul got his backlist up, and I collaborated with him, Jeff Strand, and Blake Crouch on the ebook horror novel DRACULAS.
So along comes Kindle Fire, being released today, and Paul is right there to take advantage of this new color technology with his beautifully illustrated (by Alan M. Clark) children's ebook, THE CHRISTMAS THINGY.
How did THE CHRISTMAS THINGY come about?
FPW: We have to go way back to the 70s when I wrote it for my two daughters. I would read it to them every Christmas season. I’d change my voice for all three characters—do a British accent for Mrs. Murgatroyd and hold my nose for Thingy's voice (he has no nose, after all). Kids always love that one the best. As the girls got older and learned to read, they’d take over the voices of Jessica and Thingy. It’s been a great family tradition.
JAK: Never a thought to publishing it?
FPW: Well, sure. But it needed illustrations and I’m no artist. But sometime in the 80s, as I was admiring Jill Bauman's paintings at a NECon art show—she has a wonderful sense of whimsy—it occurred to me that she'd be perfect to do a few illustrations. Jill was game. The studies she did came out so well—just line drawings but she'd added a sweetness to Thingy—that I sent the package around to a few publishers. No one in the strange world of children’s books would give us the time of day.
JAK: Hard to believe.
FPW: I was informed by someone in the field that having a white middle-class protagonist is quite a handicap in that world. Jump to June of 2000. The girls were off to college and THINGY moldered in a file cabinet. I’d just handed in the final Sims novella to Cemetery Dance when Rich Chizmar asked me if I had any fiction lying about. I told him my trunk stories were long gone except for this children’s Christmas story from way-back that he wouldn’t be interested in. He said to email it to him. He fell in love with it and within 36 hours he had Alan Clark signed up to do the artwork. I don't think Cemetery Dance has ever produced a book so quickly. It was released in hardcover December 1, a little late for the Christmas season, but I loved it.
JAK: Hard to believe.
FPW: I was informed by someone in the field that having a white middle-class protagonist is quite a handicap in that world. Jump to June of 2000. The girls were off to college and THINGY moldered in a file cabinet. I’d just handed in the final Sims novella to Cemetery Dance when Rich Chizmar asked me if I had any fiction lying about. I told him my trunk stories were long gone except for this children’s Christmas story from way-back that he wouldn’t be interested in. He said to email it to him. He fell in love with it and within 36 hours he had Alan Clark signed up to do the artwork. I don't think Cemetery Dance has ever produced a book so quickly. It was released in hardcover December 1, a little late for the Christmas season, but I loved it.
JAK: Alan, how did you come to be involved?
AMC: I've known Paul for quite a while and I remember talking with him about the children's book and knew he was excited about it. I thought it was a delightful story and was thrilled to take on the task of adding imagery to it. I've always loved children's books and felt fortunate to have the opportunity to explore the medium and process.
JAK: What was it like working with Alan? How was the collaborative process?

FPW: Christ, what a nightmare. The guy’s an egomaniacal sonofabitch.
No seriously, it was a joy. Alan has done his share of fiction writing and so has great respect for the written word. But in his genome he's an artist, and he thinks in images and colors. As we'd talk on the phone—we're on different coasts—he'd keep asking me about backgrounds and bleeds and color schemes, and what was I okay with. Finally I had to say to him, "You're the artist. I did the words, you do the pictures. Really, I'm not qualified on the graphic side. And I trust you." As you can see, he came up with a beautiful book.
JAK: Your turn, Alan. How was the collaborative process?
AMC: Paul is easy to talk with and quite willing to discuss ideas. I made only one suggestion for the text. The story originally opened with dialogue, and I asked if he could add to it some visual element that would give me something to focus on for the first illustration. He added description of Mrs. Murgatroyd bending to pick up the broken pieces of a plate she'd dropped, having been startled by something Jessica said just prior to the opening of the story. Mrs. Murgatroyd is simultaneously asking Jessica to repeat what she's said so that we then know what it was. This allowed me to have an illustration facing the opening text that shows Mrs. Murgatroyd dropping the plate.
FPW: That’s right! Completely forgot about that.
JAK: What made you decide to go digital?
FPW: We went digital now because we can. Cemetery Dance did a hardcover first, and that sold out. Then they did a paperback—same trim as the hardcover—and that’s gone. The rights reverted and a few months ago Alan called and asked what I thought about an ebook of THINGY. I said if we can do justice to your art, then absolutely.

AMC: My publishing company, IFD Publishing, released the e-book of THE CHRISTMAS THINGY with the help of my partners, Eric Witchey and Elizabeth Engstrom.
As an illustrator who does primarily full-color work, when I was first starting out in the 1980s, I was frustrated by the fact that the jobs that helped a rookie get in the door in freelance illustration were mostly black and white illustrations for magazines and, rarely, for books. I'm talking about the pre-digital days of paste-up, when even continuous tone, now known as grayscale, was too expensive for low budget publications. This work was primarily line art. I was not practiced at pen and ink and so my line work did not represent my skills well. I was a painter.
In the 1990s, publications began printing from digital files, and suddenly black and white illustration, whether line art or grayscale, cost nothing extra in the printing phase. When this occurred, I started IFD Publishing and put out several lavishly illustrated books. Still, color was expensive and so color content was minimized.
When the iPad came out, and I saw how popular it became as an e-reader, and how it rendered full-color in high resolution, I realized it cost nothing now to add full-color art to a book—an ebook, that is. The physical, or traditional color books, such as the hardcover and the paperback of THE CHRISTMAS THINGY, were very expensive to produce. I saw the opportunities for IFD Publishing with e-publishing and here we are. Paul liked the idea and so we now have THE CHRISTMAS THINGY available for all e-reader formats.
JAK: What were the trials of mixing text and full-color illustrations?
AMC: Because we want the files for the book to function properly on all the different readers, we faced restrictions in layout. In the traditional or physical book you can do fun things with the text, like having it interact with the images on the page. Not so in an ebook because the user can resize the text, altering the layout. We had to keep the illustrations independent from the text. On the other hand, the advantage of the ebook version is that you can blow up the images and explore them in detail.
FPW: Whatever you did, Alan, the result is stunning.
JAK: Agreed. THE CHRISTMAS THINGY turned out beautifully in ebook form. Are either of you planning to do any projects specifically as ebooks?
AMC: Thank you for the compliment. We do not at this time have a project to work on together, but I'd be pleased to work with Paul anytime.
FPW: Tom Monteleone and I are collaborating on a series of YA books that was temporarily derailed by looming deadlines on a number of previously contracted projects. But the decks are cleared now and we’ll be back to full speed ahead this week. We plan to launch it as an ebook exclusive and move to paper later.
JAK: Many readers of this blog (me included) believe that paper will someday soon be a subsidiary right. Print books will never disappear, but they may become a niche market, like vinyl records. You both have been in this biz for a while. Your thoughts on this?
AMC: I agree with your prediction. There are many who love books so much, I don't think traditional books will stop being made, but I believe it will be limited to those most in demand. There are e-publishers now who make their books available in a POD (print on demand) edition alongside their digital edition.

FPW: I published QUICK FIXES – Tales of Repairman Jack as an ebook and planned to leave it that way. But so many readers pleaded for a paper edition to put on the shelf with the rest of the series that I had to make a trade paperback available.
That’s a good example of why paper books, though they’ll fade in importance, will never go away. They’re physical objects to which we can attach memories and reference times in our lives. I have books that have sentimental value, that trigger memories when I see them on the shelf. I’ll never read them again but the physical package itself has value for me. That is, until I move and have to pack them up. Then I kind of hate them.
JAK: If we do transition to mostly digital, what are the plusses and minuses for artists and writers?
AMC: Because e-publishing costs next to nothing, publishers have the ability to pay the writer a higher percentage of each sale and still make a profit. But because it costs next to nothing and because there are little or no filters in the way of editors--anyone can decide they are a publisher, start an account with an ebook distributor and publish books--everyone who believes they are a writer can put a book on the market. There's a lot of vanity publishing going on, and much of it gets equal billing through the distribution points.
If we look at it like a river of publishing and the readers as fishermen, all the vanity books muddy the waters and make it difficult to distinguish a nice trout from a mealy carp. What IFD Publishing has done is to create a collective of writers/artists with good reputations who support each other's efforts and work to publish books of high quality. We believe that if we are consistent with this our reputation for good quality will allow our books to rise closer to the surface where they can be recognized.
FPW: I think we all know the plusses for writers—rapid transition to publication, lower cost of putting work before public, lower cost for the reader, higher royalty for the writer, etc. I do see limitations for artists, however, especially because choices of media are narrowed. Alan’s art for THE CHRISTMAS THINGY was designed for high-gloss paper and so it looks great on a high-gloss screen. But other art might be designed for a matte surface, and so you aren’t going to fully appreciate it on a Nook or iPad.
As for me, I’m delighted that people can store THE CHRISTMAS THINGY in their e-readers and tablets and computers and even their smartphones. They can call it up and see Alan’s art and read my words to their kids, or their kids can read it to each other, year after year. Christmas isn’t going away, and neither is THE CHRISTMAS THINGY, now that it’s an ebook. It will remain available to future generations. Because ebooks never go out of print. As someone likes to say, ebooks are forever.
Joe sez: Thanks, Paul and Alan.
I'm getting my Kindle Fire today, and I'll give my review after I've played with it for a bit. But for those who have one, or an iPad (or any other tablet reader with a Kindle app), THE CHRISTMAS THINGY is a must buy. It also looks damn good in black and white.
One of the things I find interesting about the ebook revolution is how quickly ebooks are being embraced by the public. At the same time, paper books aren't disappearing any time soon (in fact, I am working on a deal to release limited edition, signed and numbered hardcovers of ORIGIN, TRAPPED, and ENDURANCE.)
I get a lot of emails and comments about YA and children's ebooks, and if they'll become as popular as adult novels. Yes, they will. It might take another season or two, but Nook Color and Kindle Fire are steps in the right direction. I can easily predict a whole generation of parents and grandparents reading THE CHRISTMAS THINGY to their children and grandchildren on ereaders.
And they won't have to pay $100.00 for a rare, out-of-print hardcover.
A practical element to children's books on ereaders/tablets is that they don't get damaged so easily. Softcovers get badly pulled about and expensive hardcovers...shudder.
Yay! With two ebooks out for kids ages 8-12, I've been begging Konrath to address kids books. I have four children of my own, each with a ton of friends, and I've got to say, Kindles are going to be huge for Christmas this year. Huge! Yay, again! (and thanks!)
Thanks to Joe for another great guest post1 I plan to check out this work on I-pad for the kids. It's amazing to see how the developing technology is increasing the depth of the e-pub market.
And equally amazing to see the numbers of educated people who continue to discount and decry it.
Best of luck for Wilson and Clark.
It is so exciting for me the way that the industry is changing. Everyday there's something new. Great for us who write for children, especially in far places like Botswana. All the hurdles are falling away for me.
I'm one of the people who asked Joe to address children's books, some six months ago. Since then I've done a lot more exploring on my own, and I agree that ebooks will start to play a greater role. Some schools are heading toward having e-readers or laptops for all students. Parents are giving kids their old e-readers when they upgrade. Even some school libraries -- make that media centers -- are going to more of an electronic format.
Self-publishing children's books still has some challenges. Upfront costs can be higher for artwork (even cover art is more likely to need a full-color illustration, rather than stock photography). And many self published children's book writers don't understand the need for truly professional quality artwork, or how to find an artist, so they get a friend or family member to do the art, and it looks amateur.
Reaching readers can be tricky too, because most kids choose their books based on school assignments, recommendations from adults, and what their friends are reading, not from Internet browsing or Amazon recommendations.
But I agree that we'll see electronic formats making up a majority of children's books published within few years.
Thanks for an interesting post and a great book, Paul and Alan!
My kids loved The Christmas Thingy, and so did I. It's a gorgeous book, and the story made me cry. :)
F. Paul Wilson,
I've admired your work since I read The Keep back when I was twelve. I moved onto The Tomb and never looked back.
Thanks for decades of amazing books and thanks for validating what I'm doing.
I've got seven books on Amazon with three more going up before March. I'm clearing more money than ever before and loving it.
Thanks and please keep writing.
All the best,
Great article on self publishing. Thank you. I am in the process of self publishing my first book (out later this month) and I have found the entire process so interesting...
I'm so glad children's books are finally entering the conversation. My company just launched an amazing author/illustrator yesterday (Secret Agent Josephine) and incidentally, the lack of quality children's books was the talk of the preschool pick-up line yesterday. Parents want them but there have been so few offerings (with many of them incredibly amateur) that it will be interesting to see how Christmas plays out. I can't wait to see a kids book hit the top 1,000 in the Kindle store!
That illustration is absolutely gorgeous. I have to buy it. Not an intellectual addition to the conversation, but man that is beautiful.
Glad to see kids books were mentioned. I always thought it would be the next thing and I am glad to have three books out there and a fourth on the way. Great post.
I work in a school and a lot of kids get their books at book fairs. This has been very difficult to become involved with if you are not with a publisher. However, I hear my students talking and wanting a Kindle Fire for Xmas. Should be an interesting holiday.
Nicely illustrated. This should sell a ton!
I clicked on the Amazon link hoping to find a "Look Inside" preview, but there wasn't one available.
In any case, it's nice to see Joe get all mushy and put up a "seasonal" post.
Which means I was WAY wrong in assuming who Mr. Paul was referring to when he said, "Christ, what a nightmare. The guy’s an egomaniacal sonofabitch."
My bad!
I also enjoyed The Keep and The Tomb, best of luck with the new book.
I am moving toward a before Christmas publication date myself.
Thankyouthankyouthankyou! This post couldn't have been timed better. Well, actually, it would have saved me significant time worrying if it had been posted LAST week, but whatever.
I'm about to self-pub an ebook of short (mostly) humorous essays, but it has PICTURES and I've been so worried no one will be able to see them. Even though everything I've read says you CAN have pictures, I haven't found any ebooks that DO have pictures, so I haven't been able to check out the issue of visibility. And I don't even have an ereader, I just have the free kindle app on my Mac. (What? I'm a writer. My spare money is spent on ebooks, not ereaders.)
Well, duh. It never occurred to me to look at children's books. I'm not usually a few crayons short of a full box, my crayons just happen to be scattered all over the damn house and half the yard right now.
So anyway, I just bought this book and the pictures are clear and colorful and absolutely gorgeous, even on the free Kindle app! WOW.
And yes, I do realize pics on the older Kindles only show up in gray scale, but that's okay for my purposes. At least they show up. I think. They do, don't they? Show up? Oh hell, now I'm worrying again. But not as much.
Huge hugs and sloppy virtual kisses to all of you. As thanks, I will force my now-adult children to huddle around my laptop this Christmas so I can read out loud to them what appears at first glance to be a cautionary tale of being careful what you wish for. With pictures.
As an illustrator, I find this post to be very inspirational. I've noticed a number of listings for freelance illustration jobs for covers or interiors draw forth a huge response from illustrators looking for work. To me, it makes more sense to become a writer so I can create my own artwork and do my own covers instead of having to compete against a bunch of other artists to do a freelance job. To that end, I'm taking steps to shifting away from illustration to writing. This blog and the ebook are a huge help on that path. Thanks Joe! Great info from Paul and Alan.
Oh my. I just read the entire story of The Christmas Thingy and it's not about being careful what you wish for. Not at all. It's so much more than that.
What a beautiful story. And such gorgeous illustrations.
I wish I'd known about this book when my kids were still small enough to sit in my lap. I suspect it would have been right up there with Goodnight Moon in the list of stories most requested.
If ever I'm lucky enough to have grandchildren, it will be.
This book is so compelling for me--from the amazing cover, to the concept. Thanks for letting us know! I can't wait to buy this one. :)
It looks beautiful. :-)
Several of my books are illustrated with either drawings and/or photographs. That includes women's fiction, middle reader books, YAs and my cookbook. While they look great on my Nook Color, they're fine in B&W.
No one should have any concerns about going forward with illustrations. Just remember you must upload it in html in a zip to Kindle, tho. (I don't do it in mobi so don't know by experience if that works.) BN takes docx with no problem.
You're welcome to download the cookbook from Smashwords in epub to see how it works/looks. It's free. I did it primarily to run tests on my new camera and it's full of photos 36 (?) of them. And some good recipes, too.
My brother keeps his iPad loaded with videos, games, audio files, etc., for his grandson. He also reads to him using the iPad. So that generation is literally growing up with some kind of e-reader or portable DVD player or tablet in their hands. Adoption of the technology is not an issue. No doubt the market for children's ebooks will be growing rapidly in the next few years now that the technology is there to artfully display illustrations and enhanced ebooks.
Merrill Heath
Violent Saturday
Voted "Suspense Novel of the Year" in 1955. Now available as an ebook.
Thank you to everyone who offered kind words of encouragement and support re pictures in ebooks (publicly and privately). You all rock.
Barbara, I downloaded your cookbook and it's beautiful. Thanks for teaching me a new word: verrine. Now I'm hungry.
I'm feeling much more confident now and soon I will take over the world. I'll be sure to give you all credit. Or blame. Whichever seems more appropriate at that time -- or most likely to keep me out of jail.
Seriously, thanks guys.
I have had this on my "to buy" list since Mr. Wilson posted it on FB. I can't wait to read it. It may just become part of our Christmas tradition w the kids. They get a big kick out if Daddy singing "we wish u a cthulhu Xmas" every year :) right up our alley lol
We've been reading kids books on my iPad but now that the kindle fire is out and a heck of a lot more affordable, I think we're going to see a big jump in kids book sales.
its amazingJava Training in Chandigarh
Halfway through my first picture book(have posted illustrations to Twitter and FB for any who care to take a look). You're right about by-the-seat-of-your-pants, had to learn PhotoShop, and now hoping I can figure formatting. I'm extremely lucky I have a lot of friends who know this kind of thing, so eventually, I shall manage. Hopefully the slower start will help so the field isn't as glutted. You might find Will Terry's blog interesting, any illustrators/writers for kids thinking of this undertaking. He's like Konrath, very open and pay it forward with his journey (and success, I might add). I'm biased as I love his art and humor as well. Joe you have been invaluable on many levels to many people, I appreciate it so (and sorry I haven't finished reading your book, it's that learning new tech stuff that has me bogged down.) Do let us know what you think of your Kindle Fire, I'm loving mine and have to fight the rest of the family for it.
Agy Wilson
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