I was at the Magna Cum Murder conference in Muncie, Indiana, waiting for the elevator with my buddy Robert W. Walker, ready to head up to my room for some Jack Daniels because the hotel bar was too expensive. Scott was standing there in the lobby, looking out of place, so I asked him if he wanted to join us for a shot of whiskey. He agreed, and has been following me from writing convention to writing convention ever since.
Whenever I ran into Scott, I hounded him to finish the book he was working on. I did this for eight years.
I'm happy to say that Scott's first novel, Basic Black, is now live for Kindle and Nook at $2.99, and in print via Createspace for $13.95.

Scott: I started chemo in February but in April they told me it wasn't working. I just started a new treatment that was just approved by the FDA. My doctor has high hopes for this new drug. If anyone else out there is dealing with this same issue and needs to talk, they can always e-mail me at scottdoornbosch(at)aol.com
Joe: Where did you come up with the idea for this book?
Scott: This was actually supposed to be the third in the series, but after completing the first two I went with this one for the first book. I don't really know why for sure. I guess I just liked this story line the best for the debut novel.
Joe: How long did it take you to write Basic Black?
Scott: This book took 5 years to write and it's all your fault. After meeting you and partying at the conventions I let the writing slip. I was having so much fun and meeting so many wonderful people and so many personal obligations got in the way that I let the writing fall by the wayside. About a year ago I couldn't justify spending the money to keep going to all these conventions just to party. I decided it was time to either do it or give the whole thing up. At that point I really only had about 20,000 words. In less than two months I had added another 60,000 and was finished.
Joe: What is your feeling about self-publishing?
Scott: I am thrilled about self-publishing. I know many people might not consider me a real writer for going this route, but I'm very excited about the whole project. I had never given it much thought in the past, but after attending the last writing convention I thought about it more seriously and decided it was the way to go. Mainly because the publishers that were represented at the convention weren't for me. Not one of them were giving advances for the books, some of them weren't even interested in putting up a version on Kindle and there were so many other restrictions and limitations put on the writer that I didn't even bother to pitch my book to any of them at that convention. Then the more I heard about this route the more I was convinced. You of course were one of the first to convince me, but I also found many other authors I know doing the same thing now. I was amazed when I found out how many of them were turning down huge advances to publish their next books themselves.
Joe: Are you working on a sequel?
Scott: There is a sequel in the works called BLACK TIE AND TALES, but it still has a long way to go. Even though it was one of the first ones I wrote, I joined a writers group and found out that I had a lot to learn. So I am in the process of re-working it. That brings me to a bit of advice which was not part of the question but I feel I have to say it. Newbie writers have all heard this, but you really need to find a writers group. You will be amazed to find out how much you don't know. And yes, you need a writers group even though your mother told you your book is wonderful. If it wasn't for joining a writing group, BASIC BLACK would never have been in any shape to be published. Joe, you of all people know how bad that first draft was, and I thank you for not destroying my ego after reading it.
Joe sez: In the interest of full disclosure, I have a personal interest in this situation. When I heard about Scott's cancer, I knew there was a potential time issue involved. Holding your first book in your hands is one of the true joys of being a writer, but if Scott had pursued the legacy route, he might not have had that opportunity. Since he's getting creamed with medical bills, and had no knowledge of how to self-publish, I covered the cost of this and did everything for him, hiring a proof reader, formatter, cover artist, and layout artist. I did this without Scott asking me to, and he makes all the money from it.
I'm not admitting this to show the world what a generous guy I am. Scott simply needed someone to step-up and help.
You can help, too, by buying his book. Kindle and Nook for $2.99. Print for $13.95 via Amazon. Feel free to spread the word.
Scott's a dear friend, and not doing so well. Please keep the comments upbeat.
Awesome story and great interview. I guess I need a writer's group, I hope I can find one where I live. Best of luck to both of you!
I don't know Scott. Don't really care for mysteries, but any time I can help a fellow author, and a friend of Joe's to boot, I'm there. Bought a Kindle copy two minutes ago.
Get better Scott, I'm rooting (and praying) for you.
Love the cover. So sorry about the chemo.
Y'know, with all the upheaval and uncertainty and change involved with being a writer these days, with all the discussion and dissent and wildly different opinions, this is the heart of it. Writers support each other.
I've seen it over and over again, large scale and small. From writers who give up a precious bit of time for a critique, to those who teach a class and pass along hard-earned pieces of wisdom, to those who offer monetary contributions in a time of need -- bottom line, we all have each other's back. I can't think of another profession where that is the norm.
Scott, whatever your future holds, know you've got a virtual army at your back, holding you up and cheering you on. Sending strong healing thoughts and every hope for a long lucrative career spent making stuff up.
Hell yes, I bought your book.
Best wishes.
Off to buy the book, Scott! I'm rooting for you too!
Just downloaded the book, looking forward to reading it.
All the best to you Scott.
Everyone of us has someone effected by cancer and I must say there are a lot of survivors out there.
We're all rooting for you.
Picked up a Nook copy, Scott. I'm expecting you to write eight or nine sequels, so hurry up and get better.
Just grabbed it, Scott. J'adore mysteries. Hang in there, ya hear me? You've still got a lot of writing to do. ::Hugs::
Oh, and Joe -- you rock. :)
It's worth stating that some terrific folks helped bring Basic Black to life. Cheri Perez did the formatting for the print version. Carl graves did the cover. Rob Siders did the ebook formatting. None of them wanted to take any money for it, either. But I'm rich, and they don't know Scott, so I forced money on them.
Scott's proofreader, who also did some editing, prefers to keep his identity secret, because that's the kind of macho dude he is (and no, it isn't me.)
Hopefully Scott will chime in on the comments.
Just bought a copy from ya Scott.
Thanks Joe for letting us know. My book isn't out yet, but I'd love to hire your people that helped Scott get his book out.
Hope you're feeling better soon Scott! Keep fighting the fight and know that we're all behind ya.
I couldn’t possibly say anything better than KD James already did, but writers definitely support each other in incredibly meaningful ways. So glad that you published your book, Scott, and that Joe encouraged you along the way. Sounds like you’ve worked hard to develop your writing craft, waited until you had written several novels before publishing, and had your book proofread. I purchased it tonight. I’m so sorry for the health problems you’re facing. Hope you feel incredible delight over seeing your book in print. Congratulations on the publication!
First, Scott all the best with your medical condition. Second (and as a writer this may mean more than best wishes from a stranger), your cover is GREAT! Simple and elegant and makes me want to know more about the story....
All the best with the book and with everything else. I'm downloading a sample now and once I'm take myself off my self-imposed book buying haitus, it'll be high on my list!
Leave it to Joe to take 8 years convincing someone to compete with him and then giving a forum to that very same guy!
As a cancer researcher (computational biochemistry to be specific) all I have to say is this: Congratulations on your debut novel! The cover looks terrific, and I'm definitely buying a copy and look forward to reading it. I hope all the warmth and support you're receiving helps you keep a positive attitude, because good spirits really can help fight cancer. It's a medical fact.
Scott, you partied with Joe for eight years at conventions? I'm jealous and impressed! I recently went the indie pub route and know how much holding that first book means to you. I love mysteries and will immediately download Basic Black to my iPad. God bless you.
Seems like an interesting story. Happy to check it out. Hope your situation improves, Scott.
S Alini
The Strange Journal of the Boy Henry
Congratulations on (finally) finishing your book and publishing it! I'll definitely go and check it out. If this helps to cover some of your costs then I'm all for it, especially since I love mysteries. Get better soon, Scott, and think only positive thoughts. Andy is right, *deciding* to feel good and healthy goes a long way in recovering one's health. It works for colds as well as any other ailment (I should know, I was a cold magnet before changing my way of thinking). Surround yourself with good and beautiful things and let the universe and the doctors do the rest ;-) I wish you all the best, and keep writing! If the first book is as good as the cover suggests I'll definitely want more!
@Joe: You had me snorting with laughter here by saying so casually that you're rich. Even though it's true it was still hilarious.
Thanks for the great post, and cheers to all.
Scott, just bought a copy. Good on you.
There's been lots of posts about business issues but there's some other important issues in terms of ebooks. Like the length. Do ebooks need to be as long as a hardcopy? I think the reason people expect a certain length is a hardcover costs $25. It's like music when they jacked up the price and every band needed a whole album. Now that dvds are fading I don't know if the album will survive.
To be honest I don't read a lot of fiction because they're too damn long. I like Philip K. Dick because his are short and packed. The typical novel rambles on, even the ones that are supposedly good. My suspicion is ebooks will be shorter and you're better off writing two 30k words than one at 60k. Blade Runner was only 30k. Your friend could have written his series already if he kept them shorter. I think you might get a bigger audience too because most people don't have that much time.
All the best Scott, I hope everything goes well for you!
Just bought the book and am really looking forward to it - I'm an Irish Catholic and we've had so many church scandals in the last few years over here, but it hasn't been handled in popular fiction much. Really keen to see what you do with it :)
Just downloaded the book (looks great!) Sharing the link here on Facebook. Best of luck Scott.
That's a really great story. I wish you the best, Scott, both in health and your career. You may have just convinced me to get a Kindle, because I love a good mystery! Love the cover, too.
Congratulations Scott!!! What a joy it is to see your book in print! I can't wait to read it. Take care of yourself. Good luck with your treatment and keep on writing. Joe--what a good friend you are! It's so nice to see such a wonderful friendship between you two. You're lucky to have each other.
I saw you cracked the Top 5000 (and the Top 100 Police Procedurals).
That's a fantastic start. Best of luck.
I've just bought it on amazon.co.uk, without reading the blurb or downloading a sample first. Your story is good enough for me and happy to put some money in the pot.
I'll be tweeting it too.
Good luck with the treatment. It is curable. Hope to see many more novels from you.
Andy Conway
Publishing 11 titles before 11.11.11 on Amazon and Smashwords : 3 down, 8 to go
The Very Thought of You, a timeslip ghost story, out now...
The cover is absolutely fantastic. I predict this book does well, and obviously Konrath's army will help get that process started.
Scott, you sound upbeat and in a good frame of mind and I will be sending the positive thoughts your way.
Congratulations on your book and much success in the future!!
Wow. This got my interest as much as it pained my heart. I'm downloading it today. It's hard enough for a writer to make it in this climate without the added burden of cancer. To show my support, I'll post a link to this on my blog as well. Best of luck!
Ok, I had a perfectly boring day planned and you ruined it. I just finished reading the beginning of your book whispering under my breath 'don't get sucked in...you have too much to do and don't have time for this'. That was twenty-five minutes ago. Well now I know what I'll be reading while my kids splash in the pool today -- thanks.
Bought it.
Scott, I hope the new treatment works for you. Sending positive vibes your way. If you need an extra reader for the next book, please let me know.
Joe, I think it's awesome that you stepped up and helped get Scott's project off the ground. I hope your kindness is contagious and that every one will pitch in to make it a huge success.
Wow - I really applaud you, Scott, for sticking with it! Not an easy thing to do in your situation.
Must be exciting to bypass Ye Olde Gatekeepers and get your book out there. Hope you enjoy all the success in the world.
This looks awesome, Scott....just bought it!
"...waiting for the elevator with my buddy Robert W. Walker, ready to head up to my room for some Jack Daniels because the hotel bar was too expensive."
I thought: "You were going to read your own book in your hotel room?"
LOL You've got me trained! Jack Daniels the character has overtaken the beverage in brand recognition in my head!
And, good luck, Scott. I'm off to peruse your book. All the finest to you.
TK Kenyon
You can receive daily, relevant writing prompts by liking us on Facebook: Dr. Kenyon’s Writing Apple or by subscribing to the RSS/Atom feed at Blog: Dr. Kenyon’s Writing Apple Blogspot or be notified by Tweet by following @TKKenyon on Twitter
Just got it for my Kindle ap. Can't wait to read it!
Best of luck with everything, Scott.
Don't have a Kindle yet, but will get it -- and the book. It looks terrific, Scott!
And you're so right about writers groups.
Much good luck to you and the book!
You better knock it off Joe. Word will get out that you're a good guy...it might kill sales.
Best of health Scott. Looking forward to reading your work!
Good luck to you Sir. I'm going to get your book. Keep writing.
Just got it for the Kindle. Also tweeted it out for those foolish enought to follow me.
Get well.
Thank you for sharing Scott's story. Will order my copy as soon as I finish this post & share the news with friends, family members & coworkers. Best regards & wishes to Scott. Hope the cat that isn't named Fred stays close in the weeks and months ahead. Cheers to you both!
You better knock it off Joe. Word will get out that you're a good guy...it might kill sales.
I'm still the same prick I always was. My wife, also friends with Scott, is the one who got things rolling.
Well done Joe. Well done!
Just bought it.
Okay, stupid question. I was also going to send gift copies of it to various friends who have Kindles. When I click on the gift icon, it prompts me to sign in and then displays a screen that requires the recipient's email address. Does this have to be the email address that's registered with Amazon or can it be any valid email address for the recipient? Obviously, if the former, I don't want to be sending copies off into the ether.
I bought it. Good luck, Scott. Just an FYI-- when my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, the doctors only gave her six months. She lived for many years after the initial diagnosis. Don't give up hope.
Also, Scott-- contact Kindle support and get the Kindle and paperback edition linked ASAP. It's really important. Just give them the ASIN from the Kindle edition and the ISBN from the paperback and it will be linked in just a few days-- the reviews will also populate to both editions and the linking will drive sales of both editions. Waiting for Amazon to do this automatically can take over a month. -Christy P.
Robert, you can send the gift to any valid email address. The recipient will then have to accept it.
Great idea to do that, btw.
Scott - you WROTE and PUBLISHED a book - you ARE a writer! You should be so proud of yourself for this amazing accomplishment. You are an inspiration to many, including me. No go kick that cancer's ARSE!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Fondly, MIchelle
Good work Joe. Your generosity is truly inspiring. I just bought the ebook based on your recommendation alone.
And good luck to you Scott. Never give up hope man, miracles can happen. I wish you many more days of life and love and sequel writing.
just bought BASIC BLACK. Good luck, Scott, and my very best wishes.
I began reading this book while working on it. Hands down one of the best books I've read all year.
Liked, tagged, bought! Stay strong, Scott. I plan to read it this afternoon sitting on my front porch with a cold beverage next to me.
Scott, good luck, God bless and chalk up another Kindle sale.
Love mystery. Love thrillers. Just picked up my copy on kindle.
Here's to many more years of convention parties and new releases!
The very best to you mate.
Buying it later with one of Joe's, appreciation to you both.
Regards, Barry.
Hey, Scott, got my copy and can't wait to read it. Best of luck to you.
And JA, keep rocking dude.
Scott, congratulations on your debut novel!:) The cover looks great btw and I really want to download it...
One small problem though: I'm in a part of Asia where I can't download Kindle titles (unless I miraculously pop over to India/Australia in the next few days, which is not happening:D)
Anyway, would it be possible for you to upload the book onto Smashwords? I can definitely access the title from there! Hope that's do-able:)
Otherwise, congrats again, and am rooting for you to get better! Cheers
Bought it.
You'll do fine Scott, keep pushing, you've plenty of writing to do.
JK, damn nice of you.
I bought your book. God Bless!
Love the cover. God bless, Scott.
Hang in there Scott. Looking forward to that sequel. In my prayers.
Sean McCartney
The Treasure Hunters Club
Go Scott!!! I'm hopping over to Amazon right now to get my copy.
Thanks, Joe, for this post. My cousin died of cancer just as he was coming around to the idea of self-pubbing. He'd built up quite a stack of rejections for his first novel about a female private eye DESPITE having established her in several stories featured in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine. It baffled him. But he was old-school and clung to the legacy route as long as he could, and then it was too late. So it's up to me to resurrect him in the digital world and support others who are fighting against time to make a little dough and reach the readers that made them want to write in the first place. So Scott, I got your book and will read it next on my list and I pray you stay strong; don't let anyone cast doubts on what you want to accomplish. In a sense we're all fighting against time. I wish you success.
Great post, Joe. My support, thoughts, and prayers are with you, Scott!Just purchased a copy. God bless.
Just outside the Top 1000!
#21 in Police Procedurals!
What a great interview and a great story of friendship, too :).
Thank you both for sharing. Best of luck with this novel and many more, Scott!!
Great post. Purchased. Best of luck to you Scott. Lots of good will here for you. Looks like pretty cool book too. Nice cover.
Dear Scott...we are all fighting against time, so just think of Joe's 'army' as fighting along with you, and for you. Of course I am buying your book on Kindle. The cover is fantastic, elegant and intriguing. As a recovered Catholic, I can't wait to read it.
At various times, five of my cousins were diagnosed with cancer. Two were diagnosed as 'terminal.' They were even taken off their meds, considered hope- less. Six years later they are ALL alive and well and kicking-ass! Basically, I think its believing in the power of your subconscious will.
So be strong, Scott. Think of your next book, the series you want to write. Keep those dreams alive and in the forefront of your mind! A lot of people are rooting for you now, that's a lot of readers waiting for your future books.
I plan to review your book, I hope others will, too.
(Joe's posting about Scott, and all these comments especially moved me because it reminds me yet again how large-hearted the indie author com-munity is. I am sure all of this good energy flowing to Scott will benefit him tremendously and aid him in recovery. )
God bless Joe and his family.
Hi, Scott, I'm praying for you! Lord please heal this man and give him peace during this tough time. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Scott, congrats on publishing your first book. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Joe, thanks for stepping up. Getting the book live is the bigger gift than whatever money it brings in, IMHO. Good job.
Time is so precious. Sending you lots of good healing vibes, Scott.
Another copy sold. It looks like a good read and I deeply hope to have the opportunity to read some sequels. Hang in there, Scott!
My prayers are with you Scott! I love mysteries and just downloaded it!
One clicked it on amazon.co.uk
Scott, you can beat it.
Off to buy a copy of your book Scott. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. xxTraci
Scott, your a hero. Cancer is nasty stuff, being able to write a book when dealing with it is amazing. I have a terminal illness also, it's Muscular Dystrophy , and I also want to write a book before I go. I think its amazing you didn't let pity stop you, and you kept writing. To repeat what Mr.Batson said, I'll also be praying for you Scott.
Scott, first of all, best of luck. Thoughts and prayers with you and yours.
Just got the book and have a new #fridayreads for twitter.
I too am in a writers group and find the critiques, questions and other feedback invaluable and the friendships developed an added bonus.
Now get on with the next book!
Congratulations, Scott. I will buy a copy and encourage my writer friends to do so as well.
Thanks for helping out your fellow authors, Joe. You are doing a great service.
Greg Halpin
Author of Welcome to Scranton
I bought the book as soon as I read this -- just now.
Scott, my best wishes to you. Keep your spirits up and keep fighting. You've got a lot of people out here who care and are rooting for you.
P.S. Just Tweeted this, too.
Dear Scott: Cancer sucks, it is true. That ougha be a button to wear. I pray daily with Sisters of Charity, Scott. Today I have sent your name to them and we will keep you in our prayers always now and by name. Hang in there. There is such strength in spirit for the body to heal. And now you have a pack of praying old women to also speak in your behalf. With kindest regards,
Joe K, you are The Guy
thanks for the saying so out loud. Just right. We all have mirror neurons that often recognize, light up, and then follow others' example when the exemplar's action can be seen 'out loud.'
Right on Scott. Bought your first book. Can't wait to read it. I know this won't be your last.
Yo, Scott - the book looks great. I'm going to pick up a copy - and I write romance. (Don't report me)
You're a "real writer" because you really wrote and published a book. The great thing about going indie is that only readers get a vote. And they're the only ones who should, right?
I also think that perception is reality. So believe in your writing and believe you can beat this illness. Perception is reality. Believe it and you have become it. Act the part and the fiction becomes the truth.
See yourself on a beach with Joe a couple of years from now sipping an island concoction and wearing a big - healthy - grin!
Scott... I'm praying for you, buddy... And Joe, did did a great thing... I toast both of you tonight.
I've followed Joe's recommendations before - absolutely loved 'House of Skin' by Kiana Davenport - therefore, on the account that the cover for this book looks great and that Joe recommends it, I've bought it for my Kindle.
Just got my copy as well! Joe, thanks for the recommendation and for being such a nice guy. Scott, I wish you all the best.
I wanted to put out a reminder to everyone that the book needs more reviews. So far, there's only Joe's review on Amazon and a one 5 star rating on B&N with no reviews supporting it.
If any of you guys have finished reading the book, would you please post your review?
For those interested, the Wall Street Journal has a new short article on e-published authors. Pretty much lays out the e-author like a downed pugilist on a canvas mat.
Funny, though, how accurate the article is, really. It's dead on.
Just read the WSJ article and, yes - with a few noted exceptions - it is indeed dead on.
Joe. Awesome.
Off to buy book.
I totally understand. My friend and author LA Banks has been recently diagnosed with late stage adrenal cancer. And I am doing whatever I can to help with the astronomical medical bills.
Cancer sucks.
Hey Scott - we're all rooting for you, so hang in there. Well done on the book, can't wait to read it.
Joe - this is one of the reasons I follow you - great writing, excellent advice, and a heart the size of the planet. Thank you for making the world a nicer place.
Scott - Just want you to know that I'm wishing upon a star, asking a flock of angels to come your way. My very best to you...
LOL. For those who haven't read that WSJ piece, I'll sum it up:
"I am a pro-legacy tool whose ebook is $11.99 and ranked 100,000 on Kindle."
If he were 1/4 as clever as he thinks he is, he'd be self-pubbing. But he ain't. And his attitude begs for the obscurity he's getting.
Just grabbed my Kindle copy. Looks like a great read! My best to you.
Okay, I just read the WJS article.
I got a little of bit of self-satisfaction on my desk when it oozed out of my monitor.
OMG, that WSJ arcticle is another 'protect me from the slush pile' article. ROTFLMAO
Haven't we had enough discussions on how to find good e-books? I hold no illusions that the gatekeepers won't try everything to hold onto their power/profit. But seriously, ereaders are more popular than tablets and the devices 'for the masses' do not arrive until this holiday buying season. :)
I'm sorry it took so long for me to post. I was in Michigan for the weekend and out of touch with humanity. I don't think they know what WiFi is there.
Let's get the boring stuff out of the way. Thanks to Joe, Basic Black is finally finished. I won't say anything more about Joe here. His head is big enough already. But if you got the book and read the dedication and the acknowledgements you know how I feel about the guy.
I am overwhelmed by all the comments and loving wishes. I couldn't wait to get home from Michigan to see what happened with Joe's blog, but I didn't expect anything like this. I thought I would be lucky if there were 5 or so comments. Over a hundred were waiting for me. Finally seeing the book finished was a thrill but this is just amazing. Thank you all so very very much.
Now to the cancer crap. I had my third treatment of Yervoy on Wednesday. There are four in all. Then I wait to see if it worked. It makes me worse before it makes me better so I have found several new tumors since starting it. So far my only real side effect was a problem with my eye which has been cleared up. The side effects are supposed to be much worse than chemo, but so far, thank God my eye problem has been my only one. It does make me more tired than usual but that is a small price to pay. Side effects can pop up months after I'm done with the treatment so who knows what might happen in the future. If I keep up the way I have been I'll get through all this and hopefully hear some good news in a couple of months. Thank you all again for caring.
Joe, how do I put my picture up next to my name on this thing?
Scott, you rock. I've seen family members deal with cancer, so I have some idea of how tough it is to keep going during treatment. Keep fighting!
I just read your comments in this section. You are an inspiration! Hope the new cancer treatment works quickly, and hope your book is a huge success! You rock!
I keep forgetting to mention someone else very special to me. Joe I only tolerate, but his wife Maria has been so wonderful through all this crap I've been going through. She e-mails me almost everyday to see how I'm doing or just to say Hi. It isn't until something like this happens that you find out who your friends really are. Before this all happened I considered the three of us good friends but it was mostly about writing conventions and partying together etc. When I told them about the cancer I found out how special the two of them really are to me. I may not be done with the fight yet, but I don't think I would have gotten this far without them. Love you both so much.
Some of you have posted this interview to your websites or added a link on your site to buy the book or added a link on your Facebook page etc. Thank you all so very much. I've been trying to thank each of you on your sites or Facebook etc but am having trouble leaving comments on some of them. I'm not that "with it" with all this computer/social network stuff yet. Please forgive me if you did not get a personal message from me. Just know how much I appreciate all of you and am trying to figure all this out.
Anonymous mentioned I needed to link the Kindle version and the paperback version together on Amazon. I think Joe recently did that for me without me asking him to. If it doesn't look like it's done please let me know.
@Scottdoornbosch...Dear Scott, may I suggest you NOT try to thank everyone personally. We are all behind you and know you are grateful. Tracking each person individually on blogs and Facebook will sap your energy tremendously.
I know from experience that if you try to follow the advice of a hundred well-wishers, do-this, do-that, you will subject yourself to unneccessary pressures and totally exhaust yourself.
A blanket thank-you message is eough, and you have already graciously done that! Rest. Just rest. That is all you need to do while your body adjusts to these new meds.
I am just completing your excellent BASIC BLACK and plan to review it. I urge everyone to do the same! Imua! Press on, Scott. With sincere alohas.
Something else I have noticed. Many of you have mentioned how wonderful the cover looks. I totally agree, all thanks to Carl Graves. His work it top notch and was wonderful to work with. If you need a good cover artist I highly recommend him. He can be reached at Extended Imagery.
Dear Scott, may I suggest you NOT try to thank everyone personally.
Kiana is right. We are all behind you. Save your energy for your family and your writing. Don't fall into the social networking time suck. I deleted my Facebook page and Twitter account. I wrote 3,000 words that same day.
Good stuff.
I want to thank you for helping Scott~ You see he is my brother and I am so proud of him. People I have met on Facebook from all over the globe have been telling me they bought a nook to read his book and now their hooked and cant wait to read more! & Scotty I love you and pray for you every night~ Love your one and only sister~& you have to sign my book when I get it!!!
Open yourself to the energy of the universe and live with an abundance of joy. 1 day or 25,000 days isn't the issue. The issue is living!!! Your book is finished! Rejoice in it!!
Lynn really is my sister even though she still doesn't know how to spell our last name. Are you paying attention Lynn -always proofread before you hit send. :)
Patty and I just grabbed one on Kindle. Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way, Scott.
I recently got a Nook Color, and the first book I bought and read was Basic Black. I loved it, and hope Scott's health will permit him to follow up with another book soon.
Hey JK you're an enigma. You kind of try and portray yourself as a hard case fighting against the forces of evil that are the publshing mafia and the NY Times over there in the States and then you go and ruin that reputation by doing good things. Although when I think about it even Don Corleone himself had a heart. Keep up the good work and best wishes to Scott and his family from across the pond.
Just as there is life beyond a Legacy Publisher, there is also life beyond your oncologist. I wrote an article about it available on Amazon for 99 cents but the basic recommendation is to look into the many alternative cancer treatments. First read Tanya Harter Pierce's book "Outsmart Your Cancer, Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work" and "Cancer - Step Outside the Box" by Ty Bollnger. If you don't have time for that at least read my article which I wrote for a friend just finishing her chemo: Cancer - What To Do After the Doctor Says You Are Cured!
Thanks Joe! Just found your blog and felt drawn to read this specific interview for some reason.
Scott, I too am awaiting your other books now that you've jumped the broom and published your first.
Docs and the FDA don't know everything and there are hundreds of thousands of people still alive and proving that every day.
I was instroduced to this video recently about a man who is fighting the FDA to get his cure that has helped thousands available to the general public.
In case you find it helpful, I'll leave the YouTube version I found here. Joe, if you want to remove it, please do but I would appreciate you passing it on to Scott...
I'm submitting my first short book to Kindle today and feel Blessed to have been guided here. I have to look about finding and joining a writers club here in Jamaica...
Scott! So happy to hear the book is out there. Cannot wait to read. See you at LIM in 2012. Big hug!
Barb Annino
I dig this cover!
@Scott Doornbosch
I downloaded the sample of Basic Black when this blogpost was published. I put it at the top of my TBR file. My 'currently reading' file is two pages long on my Kindle.
Basic Black bubbled up into the CR file today. Read the first chapter. Wow! I am very impressed with your writing: the pace, the tone, the detail.
I am also currently reading John Locke, Saving Rachel. Between you and me, I like your book more.
Based on sampling one chapter, I predict I shall buy Basic Black.
I pray for your health, 'cause I'm greedy. I want another book from you.
Live long and prosper
h lynn keith
Scott's definitely a class dude. Despite what's going on with him, he keeps in contact with people he meets. He and I have been corresponding, buying each other's books, and he never said anything about the chemo.
If any of you have read the book I would really appreciate it if you would take the time to leave a review on Amazon. Thank you so much.
Also, have had the last of the treatments. They will do an MRI and PT scan in about 2 weeks to see if this new drug worked. Hope it works better than the chemo.
I did not get to be the million dollar man. I only have $600,000 worth of drugs in my system at the moment. But I'm feeling good so far.
I've now read 'Basic Black' - here's my review on Goodreads:
If any of you are still following this post, here is the latest update. I have finished getting the new drug. I now have $600,000 worth of drugs in my system. One of the side effects is that is makes you worse before it makes you better. That happened to me. I developed several new tumors (just under the skin - who knows what is going on inside). Recently, those tumors have disappeared completely. Apparently, something is working and my doctor is very positive. Will know more in about 6 weeks when I get the PT scan and MRI.
Also, if any of you have read the book I would love it if you would go on Amazon and give it a review.
Thank you all again for all the kind words and encouragement.
I don't think anyone is following this blog anymore but I wanted to update it anyway in case someone is still thinking about my situation.
Chemo didn't work - Yervoy didn't work - recently they put me on a more intense chemo.
Although my doctor is being cautiously optimistic, they are calling me a ROCKSTAR down at the cancer center.
The first treatment of three of this new more intense chemo has removed a rather large tumor from under my arm.
This week my ankles swelled a little from radiation. They did a Doppler test. The 3 blood clots are gone. They have disolved. Even though I may be on Coumadin for several years I can stop worrying about a blood clot traveling to my lungs or brain.
For those of you who believe in prayer - it took a little while but they were answered.
I am actually going to be able to go to the Love Is Murder conference on February 3-5. I was supposed to be buried by then.
Thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers throughout this whole mess.
Love to all,
After a long battle with cancer, Scott died July 27, 2012. He did make it to Love is Murder, as he wrote about in the above comment, and won the Lovie Award for best debut novel.
Scott said he died happy, having finally gotten into print.
Rest in peace, buddy. Your book lives on.
Just heard. Sincere condolences to Scott's family and friends and very sorry for your loss. Great book. Joe you're a good guy.
My sincerest condolences to Scott's family.
I imagine one of the hardest things about dying is not being able to realize your dreams. Thanks to Joe Konrath, one of Scott's major dreams came true. To have his book published and read, and appreciated by so many readers. I was privileged to read it, thanks to Joe's blog alerting us to Scott's fine book, BASIC BLACK.
Still, I was saddened to hear the news.
My sincere condolences to Scott's family.
Thanks to Joe I was alerted to Scott's fine book, BASIC BLACK, and was thrilled to read it. It's so wonderful that one of his major dreams came true: to be a published author.
Still, I am saddened to hear the news.
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