If you're interested, just click on the cover for the link. You can also click HERE.
Though it is clearly marked as a TEASER CHAPTER, I have no doubt that some folks will feel ripped off because it isn't the whole book, and leave negative reviews.
I encourage you, my loyal blog readers, to download the chapter, read it, and leave a review. I'd appreciate it kindly. If this blog has helped you in the past, inspired you, motivated you, entertained you, or taught you something, then this is a great way to return the gesture.
If you don't have a Kindle, that's okay. Amazon has free Kindle applications, allowing you to read Kindle books on your PC, Mac, iPhone, Blackberry, and iPad. Android app coming soon.
Here's the link for free Kindle apps.
I encourage you to try these apps, even though they take a few minutes to set up. I have a Kindle, but also have Kindle for iPhone and Kindle for PC and I use them all. They're intuitive, simple, elegant, and very convenient.
Also, if you haven't seen it yet, I'm causing trouble at the Huffington Post.
Good stuff, Joe, thanks. As I said on Kindle, since the book won't be available for quite some time, I went ahead and downloaded "Whiskey Sour" and got started on the series. It's great so far!
And I'm laughing my head off at those comments on the Huffington Post, suggesting that reading print books is somehow more literate than reading on Kindle, or that we're all surreptitiously playing video games on our Kindles instead of reading:-).
Yeah, the HuffPo comments have taken me by surprise. I'm used to savvy comments on my blog, from folks who have been following the ebook revolution. Lots of those comments on HP are so 2009...
As I've said before,I admire you. Hell, you're my hero. I've published three books on Kindle this week andhhave also put them on Scribd & Smashword.My site:http://wade-inpublishing.com.
I read your play on Huff. Hilarious. Congrats on all you do. The Kindle app for BlackBerry is outstanding and I'm going over there as soon as I finish this.
And I remember meeting you at SleuthFest after your first (or second?) book came out and showing you my then new eBookwise. Those were the days before Kindle. I'm watching all the new readers before I upgrade.
You are always causing trouble somewhere. :-) i was reading Sarah Bradley's blog the other day. She said she sat by you at the WisRWA and you were a hoot. She said if anybody gets the chance they should buy you a beer and listen to you talk. Thought you should know.
One big advantage of the Kindle is the ability of publishing executives to bad-mouth you over cocktails, while secretly storing your books on their reading devices.
I will check it out. Thanks.
The Huffpo comments are weird... They read like a much older audience...
Interesting. Thanks for the sample chapter. I just read an article on the internet about how bad digital printing of books are and then I saw the year. 2003. Lots has happened in seven years. Can only imagine the next seven.
Sean McCartney
The Treasure Hunters Club
Secrets of the Magical Medallions
I downloaded the 'Teaser' to my Kindle, Joe. (And it does clearly state it's a TEASER) Looking forward to the read. Review soon to come. For what it's worth, sample chapters are what prompt me most to buy a book. Great promo. AND the SHAKEN teaser is already on the top 100 Kindle bestsellers. Awesome exposure.
Yeah, we old farts are slow to change. I refuse to read anything that isn't carved into a block of wood.
Loved it. I posted a review, which should be up in the next 48 hours.
Wow, your piece has a lot of comments (over 120 when I looked). The subject does get a lot of people riled up, one way or the other.
By the way, I love that particular post. It has so many good snickering moments!
Oh, you're welcome for the mention in my blog, Casey. :)
J.A. Marlow
When will there be a Kindle app for the nook? :) Hmm, come to think of it... since nook runs on Android, and an Android version is coming soon, maybe not such a far fetched idea?
Carl, I have the Nook app on my iPhone and also the Kindle for iPhone. So B&N already has their version out.
Your Huff Po piece was hilarious. I especially liked the cameo by the sweet smelling Dot Matrix Printer!
Good for you for all you're doing... so inspiring.
Just wanted to say that the post at Huffington was just REALLY brilliantly done :P (didn't really bother with the comments over there though--I spend more time here)!
Brilliant article. Made me laugh out loud.
I agree and I like that you're being so, well, intelligent about it Joe!
The Doctorow treatise is worth a read and maybe that will make some of you feel better.
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