Now, in total candor and complete honesty, I don't expect anyone to actually do this. But I won't know until I ask, and I figure it's an interesting, possibly even revolutionary, thing to try.
If you say no, please tell me why in the comments. If you say yes, tell me why in the comments and then email me.
Have a look at this:
That's a smaller version of the widget I have in my sidebar. When you click on Afraid, it offers you a choice of options on the Internet to find out more about it, or buy it if you so desire.
I've got a bunch of extra first edition copies of my second Jack Daniels book, Bloody Mary.

1. You agree to put the Afraid widget on your blog sidebar or website for 30 days.
2. I'll send you a free, autographed, first edition hardcover copy of Bloody Mary.
So, what does everyone think? Good idea? Bad idea? Does anyone want to try it out?
I seriously have no clue if anyone will go for this. If not, lesson learned. But it seems like an innovative idea, trading signed books for internet real estate. A win-win, mutually beneficial, everyone is happy kind of thing.
A few years ago, I sold T-shirts with my book cover on it, and people bought those. If people are willing to pay to advertise my books on their torsos, why not actually give them something to put a widget on their site?
This widget is also customizable. You can make it skinnier, wider, different colors, add more titles, and so on. Click on "J.A. Konrath" on the widget, then click on "Grab this widget" and it will show you how to personalize it.
So tell me what you think.
All right. Stop badgering. Yes I'll put it on my blog. Can I copy and paste this one, or do I need to create my own?
Never mind. Figured it out.
Thanks, Greg! I just emailed you something...
I'm game, Joe. I'm pretty sure I have a signed first of BLOODY MARY, so please donate mine to
Oh sure, I put it up! Anything to help. I try to keep a list of my blog buddies' books in my sidebar, but I never got around to doing one again after I redesigned the site.
If you want to send me a book, cool, I'll donate it to the local library, but I already own a pretty copy. (Or the booksforsoldiers thing sounds awesome!) If you want to send me an ebook version I can re-read on my Kindle, that'd be way cool. Or you don't have to send me anything. I don't mind! Like I said, I try to do this anyway. You just made it easy!
If my website was up and running I would totally do it, but (sigh) it is a work in progress.
Question... Can I put it on my myspace or facebook pages? I never think of those as my webpages. If so you'll have to tell me how, I am tech-challenged.
I'd do it. No problem. But I'm not sure my blog gets all that much traffic, so I'm not sure how beneficial it would be for you. I could leave it up much longer than 30 days to maybe offset that.
I would totally do this except that my primary blog is at, which does not allow javascript widgets.
I think many people will do it! You just have that kind of following.
Some people (like me) will need to check wordpress blog restrictions regarding using the blog for sales... but if I can do it, I will.
I think it's a cool idea. I'd love to take part.
@Rob - Thanks! Funny you should mention it, but I just sent a bunch of my books to Iraq. Let me know if I can repay you in some other way.
@spyscribbler - Thanks! Email me and we'll figure out what I can give you.
@Deep - I don't think it posts on Facebook or MySpace. I've tried, and it doesn't work for me...
@D.Robert - Thanks! Email me, I'll send you a book.
Joe, I'll put it up. I did start reading the book this weekend. Still not sure what I think. But I promise not to sway people one way or the other!
I posted the link on my blog, where it will likely stay for more than 30 days! I am reading Afraid right now, and hate it that life intrudes and makes me put it down :)
I'm happy to do it on my blog ... so i just click on the widget then?
For some reason the widget is making havoc with my blog format, I don't know why yet ... I'll keep working on it and if I can get it figured out, I'll give you a head's up.
Excellent idea, I'll do it. Or is this US-only?
I wouldn't put it up if it was six months or something, but 30 days seems just about right.
Trying hard to figure out how this would work on LFC's blog. Failing, so far, and sad. On the other hand, I know a bunch of other people who should happily leap at the chance. I shall proceed to go notify them, and hopefully earn much good karma to help protect me from things that come out of the woods and tear people apart in the dark of night.
Just sayin'.
Something else you might consider is Ads for Ads.
I'd love to, but I can't seem to get it to install on my FB page or my LiveJournal blog. I'll keep trying, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. :-(
Joe, I'll be happy to post this on my you have the code for it? I'll search around and see if I can get it myself.
O.k. got it. It's loaded!
Easy to do. Done. Still have my address around somewhere?
I say yes!
I knew you guys were cool, but I'm really humbled here. Thanks so much.
I had a computer crash and email issues a few months ago, so if you haven't already, please email me your address because I'm sure I don't have it anymore even though I once did.
I'm at haknort(at)
Also, if you already have Bloody Mary, let me know. I'm sure I can find something to send you.
Again, thanks!
I posted it on my FB page
I'll do it, post it on my website. Let me know anything I need to do.
I'd love to post your link on my blog; however, unlike Swanny, I haven't figured out how to do it.
Hi, Joe!
I am still getting my blog up and going, but for what it’s worth, I’ve successfully put the Afraid widget up on the sidebar!
Cool experiment.
Persistence is the key. Like Swanny and others, I finally figured it out. The link is now on my blog.
I've put it in the sidebar of my personal blog & my book review blog. :]
Got it up on my blog.
Got it up on my blog. Not hard at all.
Joe...I emailed you Saturday with a link for an Afraid review. If you didn't get it let me know and I'll resend.
If you still need some folks, I'll help out an author I dig.
Okay, the server at work won't let me do this, will try at home. Dagnabbit.
Not a problem. Love to help another.
Oh its on my site
I'm stunned. I thought this would be a tough sell.
That teaches me to never underestimate the generosity of smart, sexy people.
Hmmm, supposedly I successfully added your widget to my facebook page but I can't find it!!!
It's there.
I'll post it up on my site, hopefully later this week when things settle down around the house...
Never underestimate people and their desire for free stuff. :-)
I would but doesn't run java script.
Finished the Afraid review. It will be up in the morning and I will send you a link. Awesome story but both the brother in the end? That was harsh.
Woo hoo...I figured out where it is on my facebook page but you'll have to accept my friend request to see it ;-p
Looks like you're on to something. :-) I just added it at
Why? Why the heck not? You're Uncle Joe!
I just added it here
Today I mailed out Bloody Marys to:
Graham S.
Nancy W.
Nikki W.
Jen F.
Erik C.
Tracy H.
I'm waiting on addresses from the rest of you. Please email me, or I'll try emailing you...
I'll gladly put it up. And I would love a personalized copy of bloody Mary...however, I keep all my hardcovers at home where only the wife and I see/read them. Any MMPBs I take to school and file at the back of the room where my high school students can borrow/take them (mostly stuff the school library has been challenged on or has removed). Just a thought, but a paperback might get you a few extra readers. Several were juiced about AFRAID just from me telling them about the intro.
Either way, glad to help with AFRAID.
Ill stick it up on my blog no problem!, just as long as I get a signed copy of Cherry Bomb too :P
No need to send me anything. I just enjoy helping.
K - it's up on my blog. Great idea. I've never done it before because no-one's ever asked!
Up on my if I could only figure out why I can't get the add-on loaded in Firefox to install my own... :-\
It's up and running
While my blog isn't a haven for heavy traffic, I threw the widget on just the same. I'm also going to keep an eye out for the title next time I hit the bookstores, as it sounds like a really good read. Best of luck.
I'm speeding through "Afraid", enjoying it very much. Thanks for putting it on Amazon Kindle for so cheap! I was unfamiliar with your books but look forward to reading all the 'Jack Daniels' books next.
Albuquerque, NM
While I don't have many readers, if any, sure, I'm game.
I did it because I love the book and think it should be a bestseller, which it appears that its on its way to becoming one. I don't need a prize, but I'll gladly take one. =)
I'll email you. I'm writing an AFRAID review right now, actually.
It's done.
Righto, it's up.
Sorry I'm a week behind the ball...
I'm game, and I would love to have an autographed book to add to my collection.
I'm a bit late responding to this, so let me know if you are still doing this.
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