Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Where's Konrath? Blog Tour Day #17

To promote my horror novel, AFRAID, which debuts March 31, I'm eating seventeen Leprechauns. Ha! Kidding! I'm blog touring.

Today is St. Patrick's Day. I'm not Irish, but I am today, because the bars open at 8am and it's the only day my wife lets me drink before noon.

I start the tour this fine morning at the terrific blog of Maurice Broaddus, where we discuss extreme horror.


Then I'm off to Amy Krueger's blog, Random Thoughts.


Then to Dana Kaye's blog, The Chicago Contingent.


Nick Kelly has some nice things to say about Afraid it over at Horrorview:


Susan Tunis thought Afraid was sick, but still enjoyed it, reviewing it on her blog:


Sara J. Henry thought it was repulsive, and didn't enjoy it:


Why am I linking to a negative review, you may ask? While I disagree with Sara's opinion, I certainly respect her right to voice it, as should you when you visit there today. Be nice.


Karen from Mentor said...

At the sinister minister site:

"AFRAID has a body count of over 900..........so it's a feel good book that will also scare the pants off you"

I KNOW that there was the part about the themes of love and redemption in the middle there, but I just loved these two statements side my side.

What time did you say you started on the green beer?

Would NEVER have found a lot of these sites were it not for the tour, I'm expanding my horizons.

Anonymous said...

Don't think Sara's review was negative at all - "impeccable pacing" and great characters sounds good to me. I may have trouble reading about chewed off toes too - you can't win 'em all, and you wouldn't want to anyway. Who wants to be vanilla? : )

Morgan Mandel said...

After all that's going on, I can see where you might need a few drinks to relax a bit.

Morgan Mandel

Anonymous said...

Body count over 900? Sounds like the last time I had sex.

I am Irish.

Karen from Mentor said...

Hey Joe,
I thought what Bob Collins said was funny, so I went to look at his profile (I was the second look) and it had a "caution mature content" warning. I didn't go inside. (cause I'm immature)

It made me wonder if you picked up some new fans during the whole "torture porn" debate over at Erica's site. LOL

How's your head today?
