Click HERE to download an Adobe .pdf copy, or get one at my website, www.jakonrath.com/.
I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. It contains over 300 essays broken down by the following topics:
- Writing
- Breaking In
- Publishing
- Promotion
- Touring
- Peers
- Internet
- Reviews
- Newsletters
- Motivation
Best of all, there are hyperlinks to the original blog entries, allowing you to read and add to the comments on hundreds of different topics.
Extra special thanks to Rob Siders for his help in putting this together. When you finish writing that novel, Rob, I demand to be your first reader...
Thanks, J.A. (and Rob.)
This will save me a lot of aimless wandering in the archives.
I'm gonna print a copy of the promotion section for quick reference and repeat study.
Thanks Joe,
And kudos to Rob for all the wonderful work he did in organizing.
wow--this is a great guide. Thank you very much. :)
Rob is awsome.
If I didn't make it clear in the post, this is a free e-book not only for personal use, but for any other use you can think of.
If you want to send copies to your friends, post excerpts on your site, upload to bit torrent, or offer it as a download, you're welcome to. I only ask that you link to me somehow.
Geez, that's a tome! Thanks Joe.
Hi Joe,
I just did a blog post with links back here: http://www.womenofmystery.net/2008/07/great-news-about-people-we-like.html
I've had over 300 downloads since posting this yesterday.
Now it's at 450.
Not bad for a niche how-to e-book from a midlist thriller author...
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. It is a fantastic compilation and I'm pleased that I could help. To be honest, I wish all my freelance clients were half as easy to work for as our host is
While J. A. mentioned the bookmark feature, it's worth pointing out that you can also use the Table of Contents to jump directly to the good stuff: while browsing the Contents, just click the topic's page number.
Great job!
This is great! Thanks, Joe, and I'll be linking to it for sure.
Thanks both of you.
WTG, J.A.! This is the featured post on A Writer's Edge today -- with lotsa link love, of course. Mwah!
Big thanks to everyone who is helping to spread the word by mentioning this e-book in their own blogs and bulletin posts.
You are most welcome.
Your blog does make the job of sitting in a spare bedroom facing a white wall and a blinking cursor a little less painful, so many thanks. Ray-Anne.
Thanks for this - blogged & linked!
snagged and linked. Thanks. :D
Dammit, Joe -- I downloaded this, and started reading it (instead of working)... It's excellent.
But then, I get the ultimate slap in the face when the first 2 pages of content have to do with "Distractions" (to which we should add "reading Joe's big ol' book of writing advice")
I need to get back to work.
Joe, this is an amazing resource. Thanks so much for all the hard work and insight!
Thank you, Joe! I've sent my writer friends your link.
Thanks, Joe & Rob, for putting this together!
Thank You!
wish that you offered an epub option.
Thanks very much.
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