I began this blog as a way to pass along tips, tricks, and facts that I've learned about this business since becoming a published author in 2001.
Since then, this place has evolved into a forum where ideas are openly exchanged, and where newbies (and pros) can ask questions, offer suggestions, and try to be more proactive about their careers.
I've learned a lot from many of these threads, and the many comments that they inspired. And, from the amount of email I get, I know that a lot of other people have learned some things as well.
The problem (if you can call it one) is that there is so much info on this blog right now, it has become overwhelming to search through. New writers looking for specific information, or trying to remember a specific blog post, have complained to me that the blog titles don't adequately describe the content of the posts, and that the archiving system sucks.
The information from a year or two ago is still relevant, it's just damn hard to find.
What this blog needs is some organization. Sort of like a table of contents, so someone interested in PROMOTION can instantly find the fifteen entries that focus on that topic.
Each blog entry also needs a brief description, so surfers can quickly find what they're looking for.
I don't have the time to do this myself. So I'm turning to you folks. If anyone is interested in providing a table of contents for this blog and building the html links so it can be easily surfed, email me.
As a reward, you'll get signed copies of ALL of my books and magazines, and I'll kill you in an upcoming Jack Daniels novel.
Any takers?
I'll give it a go.
I'd even be willing to turn it into an e-book.
That might be the coolest payment system ever.
Anyone interested, email me with a plan/agenda, and I'll pick who does it.
It would be a waste of everyone's time if ten people all decided to try this, and I only used one of them. So before you put in any time or work, let me know first.
Thanks mucho!
Re: ebooks--I'd rather keep the content on the blog site, and searchable. That way I can update it myself.
Why don't you just turn it all into a book on the business of writing?
Just a thought.
Actually, what would be great would be a wiki. John August has started one at his blog to handle all the cool stuff he and others have come up with about screen writing. A similar thing for newbies looking to publish would be outstanding....
At this moment I so wish I had technial skills.
Joe: I just sent e-mail to haknort@ from rob at robertsiders dot com.
Wow, wish I had time to do this...but you just gave me an idea for a story...
A writer posts for someone to organize his blog. The one who does it wins autographed copies of his books and gets to be killed off in the next book.
On the day the new book is released the the winner turns up dead. . .
the writer (of course)
every person who frequents the writer's blog
peeps in the winners personal life.
Who done it?
Several people have suggested I switch to Blogger Beta. My blog is too large, and Blogger won't let me... I've tried many times.
This has nothing to do with organizing your blog, but I thought you might like this update on my most recent drive to query 450 literary agents.
So, I got home from the hospital today and had a stack of like 50 rejection letters. To make things interesting, I decided to make a video of my reading the rejection notes as I opened them.
Then, as luck would have it, I got a positive response!
Check out the video of Stacey getting a positive response from a literary agent
I'd like to second David Becker's suggestion above. Your book (printed book) would rule the genre.
I think a wiki is a great idea (but I don't have time to do it, despite the delicious offer - LOL)
You have helped Book Squid break the Top 100 Lenses at Squidoo! This morning it sits at #99! And there have been over a hundred downloads of the free e-book!
You clearly inspire many, my friend!
This is why LJ and Xanga use tags. That way you can search the tag and find something you want instantly.
The answer is very obvious...
1. swtich to the new beta bloger
2. add tags
wordpress. It has categories. Some people have been able to "convert" existing blogs over. Probably a lot of work.
As much as I would love to be killed in one of your books, I don't have the time. Also, switch to LiveJournal and use tags. Then I can friend you and read your blog with 25% less effort. :)
Joe, if "rob in denver" isn't going to do it I can probably find time before my next College class starts. I'll send you an email and see if you've already got help.
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